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What's the longest time between buying and completing?

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    What's the longest time between buying and completing?

    Yesterday, I decided to boot up Super Mario Land on the GB and managed to complete it for the first time. I must have bought this game over a decade ago! I'm a pretty nervous gamer, so buy the end of it I was a complete wreck. I have to say, though, that it was nowhere near as hard as I expected it to be...

    A couple of years ago, I also managed to get the invulnerability cheat in Goldeneye (you know the one - 2'15" in the facility). - that had been playing on my mind for a good 6 or 7 years...

    So - what's the longest time you've spent bofore completing a game?
    Last edited by egparadigm; 25-10-2006, 11:40.

    i couldnt never complete Super Metroid when i was younger

    some reason i couldnt master the multiple jump up the screen (spritzer or whatever its called)

    think i only completed it about 4 months ago for the 1st time and using the multiple spinning jump is piss easy - why i couldnt do it years ago i wouldnt know


    Super wild card/double pro fighter



      FFVII - Seven years LOL!! Played it for the first time in November, 1998 for like a month. And after getting to the last boss and getting my ass handed to me a few times, I decided to jack it in and started playing Zelda Ocarina of Time instead.

      More recently, I have some unfinished business with Mario Sunshine but I don't know if I'll go back to it (the camera pissed me off!).


        well I bought call of Duty 2 for the 360 at launch... only just completed it on veteran

        probably the longest for me was 'The New Zealand Story' bought it in the early 90s..... completed it last year


          Egads - I hate New Zealand Story! I'm not sure I ever completed it, but if I did, it would have been with the cheats on. That Walrus was a bastard.


            Zork I

            I bought the seminal text adventure for my C64 (disk, of course) in circa. 1984 (about 9 quid IIRC, pricey for those days). Wrote a ripping program to rip the disk on an Amiga C64 emulator, used a freeware utility to turn the ripped disk image into a .Z file, in 1994 (to play on my Psion Series 3).

            Finally completed it last year on a Frotz port on my Psion 5mx (real keyboard FTW).

            Had to use hints still, though.


              Still to complete (in that I actually intend and believe I will complete these games).

              FFVII (last played somewhere around the casino in the sky, got kicked out when I ran out of cash, I think). Started when it was released (PAL), Xmas 1998?

              Shenmue (somewhere not far from the start of disc 2). Played that since near release (PAL), Xmas 2001?

              Jet Set Radio - played that around release, can't remember how far in, definitely past the underground sewers gang. Maybe stuck at the part where you race along the train tracks against that other dude. Xmas 2001, again?

              Headhunter - played up till the hispanic boss with the electronic spiders. Xmas 2001.

              Splinter Cell - second to last level. Played since release date! I will finish this. Xmas 2002?



                This is hard to answer cos there are still games ive yet to complete that have been locked away in by dusty closet for ages! But a recent game i completed after a lil hiatus is probably............... nope cant remember sorry............ Im tryna get back to loads of games and deciding which to start when you have too much to count is very hard........



                  Having a backlog of games to complete happens to all of us, man. Don't worry about it.


                    I loved Zelda LttP as much as the next man, but like the original poster I'm a pretty nervous gamer. It took me several years of extremely intermittent play to reach the final dungeon. When I got there and saw it had 10 floors, I put the game back on the shelf, leaving the task for a day when I could handle the stress. That was a few years ago now... I really should revisit it..

                    Also, the final level of Advance Wars was intimidating to the point that I never returned to the game to complete it. It's my fave handheld game ever, though.


                      Originally posted by Tig
                      I loved Zelda LttP as much as the next man, but like the original poster I'm a pretty nervous gamer. It took me several years of extremely intermittent play to reach the final dungeon. When I got there and saw it had 10 floors, I put the game back on the shelf, leaving the task for a day when I could handle the stress. That was a few years ago now... I really should revisit it..

                      Also, the final level of Advance Wars was intimidating to the point that I never returned to the game to complete it. It's my fave handheld game ever, though.
                      Oh man, the last LttP dungeon is a cracker. Book a night in with some munchies and bag that up. It's so rewarding when it's completed.


                        Lol, I still have to do Double Dragon for C64.
                        Kept you waiting, huh?



                          FFVII- I got to the end but never bothered beating the final boss
                          FFVIII- Got to disc 3 or 4 and couldn't bebothered to play any more, but sometime this year I beat it.
                          Zelda OOT - Had since release, didn't complted it until Wind Waker came out


                            Hybrid Heaven on N64. I don't know when it was released but I never could get to the second level and I never will seeing as my cousins pulled the N64 wires apart :P


                              The second game I ever imported, Final Fantasy III for the SNES. Asked my Dad to buy it while he was in America, back in '94. Still haven't beaten it, even though I bought the PSX remake and a Japanese Super Famicon copy. I'm waiting until the GBA remake before I try to nail this one on the head. I've got as far as the endgame, just never finished it off for some reason. Probably be something like 13 years in the end.

