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X-Box 360 - Why no Killer Apps?

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    Okay, I'm going to put forward a theory that may or may not be right -

    Killer Apps are more likely to appear on a machine that had cack-all good games on it.

    Hear me out here - the Gamecube is a good example of this. We all love our Gamecubes, right? Okay so when an excellent GC game comes out like Metroid Prime or whatever, it is labelled 'killer app' and hits number 1 in the charts. Aside from it being an indicator of MP being a great game, it is also an indicator of a drought of other good games on the machine (I know there are others, I'm just using MP as an exaple). So, when a game like MP is released, just about everybody who owns a GC will buy it. Killer App.

    Mario 64 - killer app. While it wasn't the only good game, when it was launched, how many N64 games were there. Three maybe? Four? Not a massive amount of choice. A game thatstands out amongst three games is going to be a 'killer app'.

    Even on systems where there were loads of good games, killer apps would often appear in times of drought, especially where that particular type of game was lacking. Of course SF2 was going to be a killer app on the SNES - there was damn all decent to offer fighting fans before it. Sonic the Hedgehog had no competitors. When Halo was released on XBox, I personally believe that the quality of games surrounding it was particularly poor - long before I feel the XBox came into its own.

    Then you have some systems that actually made the mistake of launching with loads of games, many excellent, so a game that could have been labelled 'killer app' would never stand out. PSP is a great example of this. A machine with a perception of no good games and yet around the time of launch we had Ridges Racers, Lumines, Wipeout Pure. Any one of those could compete with the killer apps of another system - the difference is that they were actually released around way too many other titles, some of them being high quality titles.

    So I don't know the 360 games personally. But...could it be the case that a game won't stand out as being a 'killer app' because there is just no drought? If Dead Rising had been released a month after launch and the only launch titles were three average-to-good games, would it be in the killer app hall of fame?


      I bought the xbox360 for live, and the promise of cooperative play with my friends in the UK, and the media center aspect of the machine.

      So I disagree.*

      I believe that the Xbox360 has a killer app.

      Xbox Live.

      *But it's only my opnion, and I won't take it personally if it's not yours!


        Originally posted by Geo-V6
        * Super Mario Bros. - for NES Loved it
        * Tetris - for Gameboy Loved it
        * Sonic the Hedgehog - for Sega Mega Drive/Genesis Hated It
        * Street Fighter II - for Super NES * Ok
        * Super Mario 64 - for Nintendo 64 Never played it!
        * Final Fantasy VII - for PlayStation Didnt like it
        * Resident Evil 4 - for Gamecube Amazing
        * Grand Theft Auto III - for PlayStation 2 Great first time round
        * Halo: Combat Evolved - for Xbox Didnt like it
        * Half-Life 2 - for PC Havent played it

        Popular opinion is not your own opinion

        PS Like your avatar - where did you get it from.
        This post pretty much hits it on the nose.
        Oblivion sold the 360 to me, in my view it was a killer app. There was a thread on here a few months ago where everybody slagged off 'untouchable' games, proving that no matter how 'killer' the app, the quality of the game actually depends on how much you like it. My advice to you is - read the reviews, play the demos, hell, rent the games even, until you find your own 'killer app' for the 360.


          Originally posted by capcom_suicide
          I bought the xbox360 for live, and the promise of cooperative play with my friends in the UK, and the media center aspect of the machine.

          So I disagree.*

          I believe that the Xbox360 has a killer app.

          Xbox Live.

          *But it's only my opnion, and I won't take it personally if it's not yours!
          I would have to agree with you there, as someone who used to play online games on the ps2 and pc the ease of getting in a game with friends is unsurpassed on any other system.

          I recently had the dreaded 360 hardware failure and had to send it off to be repaired, to get my online gaming fix I will go back to a bit of Counter Strike, battlefield 2 and joint ops.

          Joint ops booted me repeatedly due to my punk buster stuff being out of date something I totally forgot about until someone told me, and I gave up with counter strike source and battlefield 2 due to the size of the patches I needed to download.


            Originally posted by Dogg Thang
            Okay, I'm going to put forward a theory that may or may not be right -
            Thanks for your comments mate, some good stuff

            Indeed it is relatively early in the Xbox 360's life-cycle for a Killer App to be delivered, but they better pull the finger out and deliver one soon before the PS3 Juggernaut arrives...


              Originally posted by Mus
              Indeed it is relatively early in the Xbox 360's life-cycle for a Killer App to be delivered, but they better pull the finger out and deliver one soon before the PS3 Juggernaut arrives...
              I think it'll be some time before the PS3 has its own killer app.
              Last edited by Byg; 27-10-2006, 09:58.


                Originally posted by Byg
                I think it'll be some time before the PS3 has it's own killer app.
                Yeah? Why?


                  Originally posted by Mus
                  Yeah? Why?
                  Educated guess.


                    Where can we check / compare hardware sales?


                      Originally posted by Byg
                      Educated guess.

                      Im not sure where we can check hardware sales - but I read last night at the same point in its life, the Dreamcast and PS2 sold far more than the 360 has.


                        Originally posted by Mus

                        Im not sure where we can check hardware sales - but I read last night at the same point in its life, the Dreamcast and PS2 sold far more than the 360 has.
                        This thread is odd. Are you trolling Mus? You've got some good points, but seem to be coming across as you having something important to say, and seem to be trying to wind people up.

                        Remember this is NTSC-uk. Most of us will own at least 2 of the 3 consoles, and we are not bothered by which one has the highest sales. As has been said constantly, a "Killer App" could be considered as a personal thing.

                        For me the Atari Jag "killer app" was tempest 2000, as that's what I bought the machine for etc.

                        The fact that hardly anyone else did makes no odds.

                        With the 360, Microsoft is pumping masses of money into it, to produce a gaming brand that "might" make money some time in the future. With that backing, who cares about hardware sales?

                        The only thing that seems to come out of this thread, is that you are looking to force you views on others. I don't think NTSC-uk is the right venue for this conversation.

                        Lets focus on letting people express what there own "Killer Apps" are for different systems, and less on saying "System A" has no killer app, as it hasn't sold as much as "System B"

                        Just seems like a pointless troll thread to me, and I think Marty sensed this a dozen posts ago.


                          Originally posted by tyler
                          Where can we check / compare hardware sales?
                          And when we start going down this route, you know it's time to say goodnight.

                          Everyone's got a different opinion of what's hot and what's not (or even what a killer app is) and I can see where this thread is heading.

                          Mus if you want a 360, go and buy one and find the games you want to play. If you don't see the point in owning one, well... don't.

