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Eragon (demo, 360)

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    Eragon (demo, 360)

    Just nabbed this off the marketplace. Seems its a game by Sierra based on a film of the same name. Marvellous.

    Anyway, starts up with a bit of CGI then into the game.

    Plays a bit like N3 in its style (but not as fluidly). There's basically yourself and some other bloke running around with swords and bow+arrows.

    Graphics are average (at best) and the camera is fixed. Some scenary is destructable and you can hit the helmets off the soldiers. You can also summon up a dragon in a kind of Shader Dancer stylee but the whole game feels very much on rails - probably as it's got to tie in with this 'ere movie.

    Your partner seems to have the best moves - jumping on the backs of enemies and bear hugging others.

    Anyway, "i dont like it". Seems a pretty standard tie in effort and doesnt really do a great deal to utilise the 360's capabilities.

    Edit: Oh and the character felt like he was straight out of early versions of FIFA where-by he didnt really go where you wanted him to, or attack at the same time you pressed the buttons. Dunno, felt odd!
    Last edited by ChrisF; 02-11-2006, 10:35.

    Im dl this now but there is no news of it on the Majors site


      I'm not sure if its another game that's snook out as the summary information (last time i checked) said <insert text here>.


        It's Pants. Don't waste your bandwidth.


          Originally posted by Rushy
          It's Pants. Don't waste your bandwidth.
          What he said.Just ried it and its appaling.

          Deleted already.


            That's the general gist i was trying to convey


              I saw this at the anime expo, my friends played the DS version as no one wanted to play it. :P

              It looked pants from what I saw.


                All this glowing recommendation meant I just had to download it and see for myself

                Yeah, it's pretty rubbish, it stays so zoomed out so you can't even see which character you are. And the dragon ignored me a few times on my attempts to summon her.

                I remembered the trailer actually from all the X06 content, the main character has one of those annoying faces I want to punch


                  You should get 1000 points credited to your account for even bothering to download this let alone play it.


                    LOL....thats all I will say about this "game"


                      have you guys seen the trailer for the movie. it looks pants, another dragon movie hollywood has ****ed up.


                        This demo has now disapeared from the marketplace, I guess they realise it was not a good idea to put a demo out for it.


                          Reckon it was never meant to go up in the first place tbh !!!!

