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I never realised how much I adored my console...

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    I never realised how much I adored my console...

    Not particularly retrospective because it's current gen, but I never realised how much I love my 360 until now, because I can't play it. So I thought I'd create a thread where people can gush over something they absolutely love to pieces gaming wise.

    Don't get me wrong, I loved the 360 the minute I switched it on, on launch day but I didn't realise how much of a complete console it is to me. It does everything I could ever want from a home console and I would almost call it a home entertainment unit (only not quite because it can't stream divx).

    The live aspect is sublime and the I feel the people trying to compete with it (sony et al) could only have a better service if it had everything Xbox Live had and was completely free with completely free content.

    They keep rolling out excellent accessory after excellent accessory, I finally got a vision camera the day my 360 died but what I saw of it was great!

    Gears of War...simply put I've not been this excited about a game in a long, LONG time.

    I just can't help but feel that Microsoft have done almost (xvid/divx again) everything the customers/consumers have asked. For the first time in my gaming life I'm completely happy with a console.

    Or I was until it I'm at most 10 days without it, which is dangerously close to emergence day. At first I was furious, then sad, now I'm thinking I can't wait to get it back on and play it again.

    With things like the HD-DVD drive coming soon, I don't see how they can fail to win the "console war" (I hate that term).

    I'm not a fanboy and everything will have its faults (why can't I delete games that I never even got past the trial period of?) etc and this isn't a thread for me to say "it's better than the PS3" at all, nor a thread to fan the flame/console wars. It's a thread for people to appreciate whatever console they choose to, my choice is the 360. I've not had this much satisfaction out of a console before.
    Last edited by Jebus; 06-11-2006, 17:15.

    I really like the 360. I turn it on, the interface looks nice, and it's all so user-friendly.

    There are some things I don't like about my 360 experience so far, but it's not really the machines fault.

    1. Low framerates

    2. Tearing, clipping, dodgy looking and moving games.

    3. No games that really blow my mind, or have me salivating.

    4. The Live component seems to run worse than when I got Live back in 2002 and played MotoGP1 for the first time.

    5. Live Arcade is too expensive. I would pay ?2, but no more, for any old classic. Maybe ?5 for some really good original game, but not ?8.

    All of the above are developer and publisher issues. The actual machine is a beautiful creation. If only devs could really deliver the next-gen dream I was hoping for.

    I live in hope!


      Originally posted by Leon Ahoy!
      2. Tearing, clipping, dodgy looking and moving games.
      I should have mentioned in my original post that although I love my 360, I do feel as though MS should get on top of the developers of games like Saints Row, which not only was patched FAR too late but had the worst tearing I've EVER seen in a game.


        Originally posted by Jebus
        I should have mentioned in my original post that although I love my 360, I do feel as though MS should get on top of the developers of games like Saints Row, which not only was patched FAR too late but had the worst tearing I've EVER seen in a game.
        Microsoft need to get tough, and sort the many problems plaguing the 360.

        Why do so many games have bad LIVE implementation? With dodgy lobbies, bad lag, and basically not as a good as really old XB1 Live experiences??

        Why do so many devs struggle to get 30fps??

        What is with the tearing? The XB1 and other less consoles didn't have this problem!

        Live Arcade could be so much better!

        Microsoft... I'm talking to you!


          4. The Live component seems to run worse than when I got Live back in 2002 and played MotoGP1 for the first time.
          Well said. Moto GP 1 set the standard for Live and is still one of the best live experiences I've ever had. It was lag free and 16 players!


            Originally posted by Selix
            Well said. Moto GP 1 set the standard for Live and is still one of the best live experiences I've ever had. It was lag free and 16 players!
            It wasn't lag free.


              well, nothing is lag free but most of the early Live games did seem to run a shed load better than 360 stuff. Whether this is a product of better implementation or less loaded servers isn't clear.

              Either way 360 FTW


                I wish I could say the same about my 360 really, but it's not that interesting for me, still looking forward to PSU and Virtua Tennis 3 though.

                I still much prefer my Dreamcast.


                  Originally posted by SegaMark
                  I wish I could say the same about my 360 really, but it's not that interesting for me, still looking forward to PSU and Virtua Tennis 3 though.

                  I still much prefer my Dreamcast.
                  Fair enough but thats what this thread is for...what is it about your Dreamcast that makes it your most adored console?


                    Originally posted by Jebus
                    Fair enough but thats what this thread is for...what is it about your Dreamcast that makes it your most adored console?
                    Note his choice of games there and his name....


                      Originally posted by Jebus
                      Fair enough but thats what this thread is for...what is it about your Dreamcast that makes it your most adored console?
                      Simply because I love arcade games, I'm not really into war games and RPGs, asides from the odd exception such as PSU and Shenmue. I just like arcade ports I can practise, practise some more and rinse it for all it's worth... Just like I did with Crazy Taxi. I grew up on the Mega Drive, then I had a PlayStation, but the Dreamcast made me love SEGA (and gaming) again.

                      Originally posted by EvilBoris
                      Note his choice of games there and his name....
                      Don't get me wrong, I wish there would be more arcade type stuff from the likes of Namco, Capcom and SNK, not just SEGA. I'm no fanboy. :P But I find the 360 line up to be a bit samey, it needs way more variety for people like me... Still, XBLA is cracking, to be honest thats my favourite thing about the 360. DOOM, PacMan and Smash TV. Ridge Racer 6 was also pretty cool, but it didn't feel right on a non-Sony console.


                        Originally posted by EvilBoris
                        Note his choice of games there and his name....
                        What's your point mate, his favourite console ever could have been a mega drive/genesis :P

                        Suprised this thread hasn't taken off to be honest...


                          I also love the 360, it's such a well-rounded machine and that's before you hit the games. I'd argue there hasn't been an exclusive world-breaking game on it yet, but the range of high quality games has really impressed me.

                          What really bugs me though, is the poor standard of Xbox Live features on most titles. Halo2 set the benchmark two years ago, and since then nobody else has got close - or (bar Saints Row) even attempted it. Halo2's party system where you could gather a bunch of friends and jump from server to server, was a revolution in online gaming, and the first example of a developer really using the strengths of the service. Why hasn't this been built upon?

                          The argument that MS are trying to cut down on people boosting on ranked matches is invalid, since in Halo2 you could only party with people who end up on your side. And particularly invalid since Halo3 is following on the same system!

                          Please MS - sort it out! Halo2 got it absolutely spot on, just copy the template.


                            Yes we're going down a 360 love-in road here but I'm in agreement.

                            360 is far & away the best - No sorry I'll rephrase that - My favourite console ever - Everything about it hits the spot for me.

                            Was a big fan of Live since PGR2 and have been a paid up member since then - I love it - There was a (now locked) thread asking why no killer-app for 360 when the so obvious it's not true answer is "Xbox Live".

                            I seriously have no idea how people are playing on 360's without having them hooked up to live.

                            As mentioned at a time when Sony seem to be deliberately trying to upset/belittle gamers MS have gone above & beyond the call of duty (nach) to deliver what we want in as clever a manner as possible.

                            But never mind the fluff - Live is where it's at. All these people moaning about live just wait till you see the mess that is the PS3's online infrastructure - No chat as standard so certainly no cross game chat (that will seem SO odd post-360), no standard username/identity across games (so you'll need to ring/mail your friends to find out what they're calling themselves whenever a new games launches) - the list goes on.

                            Live = Best Thing To Happen To Gaming Since Super Mario 64.


                              The 360 is a stellar piece of kit, no mistake, my favourite at the moment.

                              It's the small things that make a difference to me. For instance, being able to send a message to an online buddy whilst your playing to seek game advice or have a general chinwag, linking up with a group of friends and having it out on Double Agent or Saints Row.

                              I personally don't think they've quite had that killer app until (probably) recently with Gears of War, but they have had a decent good game quota. So far, Microsoft have made steady progress this generation and the lack of PS3 should ensure MS have a better Christmas with a good line-up.

