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Defender (XBLA)

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    Defender (XBLA)

    I'm sure you all know what Defender is! Save the humans from the invaders etc...

    Nice version, real quick, and still great fun. Frustrating at times though when you're trying to shoot an enemy a few pixels big!

    Already got 4 achievements but theres a few Co-Op ones that I doubt I'll get. Online play also has Vs modes but I've not tried that out yet. Seems to be a fair few people playing though as the leaderboards already have quite a lot of names chalked up on them.

    Unlike what seems like the majority of Midway games, this takes up most (not all) of the screen which is a nice change! Can't comment on the sounds as yet as my speakers are all disconnected pending a new amp arriving today. I'm sure they're as they were in the original though!

    Oh and don't worry about flying into the mountains (like I was) - they don't harm you!

    Well worth the 400 pesatas. Buy Now.

    Edit: OK just played a quick Player Game and it seemed to be Co-Op although I couldnt see the other guy? Only reason I think it was Co Op was because I got the achievement! Wahoo. Anyway, it basically seemed to be whoever could last longest/get highest score that won. I think?
    Last edited by ChrisF; 16-11-2006, 08:03.

    OK just played a quick Player Game and it seemed to be Co-Op although I couldnt see the other guy? Only reason I think it was Co Op was because I got the achievement! Wahoo. Anyway, it basically seemed to be whoever could last longest/get highest score that won. I think?
    Yeah, you can't see the other player in Co-op. Both players need to survive long enough to score 15000 for the achievement. Once someone loses all their lives, it's game over for both people.

    This game is still awesome. I've managed to get into the top 10 for high-scores so far.


      How the hell can they call that "co-op". Talk about tacked-on features.


        The scores are combined, so that's the only way it qualifies as "co-op". It's really no different from the games with a splitscreen mode. You just can see the other player, that's all.


          Having a hell of a game trying to get the achievement for not being killed for 75 seconds (it all goes mad after the place explodes!)


            Yeah, that one was quite tricky, but trying to keep all the humans intact for 3 levels is really hard!


              Really looking forward to trying this tonight, so in co-op, can't you see how lives the other person has remaining ? also, how does the "versus game" work ?

              Achievement list here


                Originally posted by DavidHolliss
                Really looking forward to trying this tonight, so in co-op, can't you see how lives the other person has remaining ? also, how does the "versus game" work ?

                Achievement list here
                You can see the other persons score and lives in both modes.

                In versus your scores are individual and the leading player has a (1) logo next to their name. Basically person who lasts longest/scores most wins.

                In Co-Op your score is combined.

                You dont see their ship though, in either mode.


                  Thanks, just done the 15,000 co-op one (you still having nightmares John about me and Scramble ? )

                  Love this game, 75 second achievement is a right sod though. Such a shame there is no timer, I must have been so close a few times.


                    Have you tried a Versus game yet? I played loads of them this morning (you need 30 wins for an achievement), yet the Leaderboard is blank for me and makes out that I haven't played any. My Arcade and Co-op scores were uploaded no problem though.

                    Have you not earned that Scramble achievement yet?

