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Gears of War Niggles

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    Gears of War is my first foray into high definition gaming. As such I had to pick my jaw off the floor when I first played it.

    However now that I'm over the initial shock I have quite a few niggles.

    The colour scheme is effective but how many shades of grey and brown are there in the world? I was dying for some more variety. The overall look reminded me of Kingpin (remember that?)

    The wobbly camera looks great but gives me motion sickness.

    The oneplayer game is unbelievably derivative with not much to do except duck 'n' pop up for the whole game. So many games have done so much more with stuff like this, well, Halo, Half-Life 2 and Resi 4 anyway. In fact it made me truly appreciate how great Resi 4 is (again).

    So then, it looks next gen but plays like games you were playing ten years ago. Still, there's nothing currently better to show off your HDTV (to boys). For actual next gen gameplay I'd recommend GRAW over this anyday.

    I actually think it's made me look forward to Resistence more as hopefully that won't make me sea sick and apparently the weapons are more imaginative. Graphics ain't everything.

    Maybe it's all about the online, but I can't be arsed with all that.
    Last edited by womblingfree; 22-11-2006, 00:14.


      Originally posted by womblingfree
      Maybe it's all about the online, but I can't be arsed with all that.
      then you sir, are a fool.


        Originally posted by Crisp_Rapper
        then you sir, are a fool.
        Give me time, I'm like Biffo without all the spare time.

        Bet it would still make me seasick though!


          If you select the Grenadier as your preferred Locust versus character, your actual player model is a Grenadier Elite and vice versa.

