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PS3 issues - is this true

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    Yes. That's what I said.


      Surely it is not just as simple as "adding it in?" if the game isn't expecting these additional processes to be running (playing the music, having a new menu appear) then the games will just crash until they are specifically programmed/patched to expect it?

      Surely these kind of things are going to have to wait for the Ps3 dev kit "V1.2"? (or beta 1.0 from what developers have said)

      Sony didn't even bother "adding in" an cross game messaging system or any form of standardised voicechat/invite system, so surely they have just left these things too late. Did they ever release a music player patch for the PSP? Surely that is just as technically feasable, if they did then disregard everything I just said :P


        ^^ Not sure if it was part of a firmware patch but didn't GTA:LCS on PSP let you use your own music from the memory stick ???


          Yeah, but that was all done by the game, rather than the PSP firmware. I'd imagine developers could do the same on the PS3 if they desired?


            Originally posted by Yoshimax-UK
            ^^ Not sure if it was part of a firmware patch but didn't GTA:LCS on PSP let you use your own music from the memory stick ???
            Yes it did, but there was a kaffufle about which formats you could play or something? That was just LCS though


              Originally posted by C'
              Yeah, but that was all done by the game, rather than the PSP firmware. I'd imagine developers could do the same on the PS3 if they desired?
              You'd of thought so, the original xbox could even do that. Just seems a bit backwards the PS3 doesn't have any form of custom soundtrack option at the moment.


                The custom soundtrack would have its own seperate process thread - it's not something that should really interfere - plus the process could check the disc inserted into the machine, and should be able to tell what the game is, and if there was a compatibility issue abort the thread.

                For a game to be able to control the process, then some additional facility in the dev libraries would be needed ( as I mention earlier ) - but the process should be able to sit behind anything else going on.

                Does pressing the PS button on the joypad do anything whilst a game is running currently?


                  Originally posted by DavidFallows
                  Custom soundtracks are not needed unless we're talking MMORPGs or really **** games where listening to music is actually better than playing the game at hand.
         your opinion.

                  so only "really **** games" or MMOG's benefit from custom soundtracks do they?

                  i guess i need to slap myself next time i'm thundering along in ridge racer 6 listening to my own progressive house mixes....and enjoying it more than the crappy ethnic dance music the game comes with.

                  i'll remember the "sermon" from DaveFallows on the issue.
                  Last edited by maximum; 21-11-2006, 18:13.


                    Originally posted by maximum
                    i guess i need to slap myself next time i'm thundering along in ridge racer 6 listening to my own progressive house mixes....and enjoying it more than the crappy ethnic dance music the game comes with.
                    but ridge racer is a rea...


                    Ridge Racer 6 doesn't need the custom soundtracks to improve the experience though, your tastes in music don't actually make the game any worse do they?
                    if you've been trawling though 1million hours of a MMORPG then the ability to have custom soundtrack is a welcome addition.

                    This is why the 360's system for custom tracks is excellent, you have the choice either way.


                      I think it does improve the experience actually, games like Ridge and PGR were improved by having my favourite songs playing whilst racing, with the game.


                        It's just another reason why the ps3 is not progressive.

                        It's another oversight by Sony which simply shouldn't have happened, they have had more than enough time to sort out these issues and surely this cropped up in one of their hardware board meetings, unless they are totally inept.

                        The ps3 just seems totally unfinished and considering the amount of time they have had to get everything just right, it's simply unnacceptable.

