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Games we may have forgotten

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    Games we may have forgotten

    As this generation of consoles comes to an end, i have noticed the usual shelf shuffling of hardware and software has begun to make way for the new crop, with the Gamecube, Xbox and but not so much the PS2 being given less space.

    For us gamers though this means that some of the lesser known games we gave a miss due to lack of funds or a higher profile are now more affordable being placed in bargain bins or 3 for ?10 deals.

    So people which titles did you give a miss first time round but have since found and bought them at a bargain price??

    I'll start

    Got City Crisis, Silent Scope & Soul Caliber for ?10 for the PS2.

    Was suprised by the playability of City Crisis, fun for short bursts, gameplay would be well suited for a follow up on one of the handhelds.

    Silent Scope i have played before and enjoyed, a little dated now, but hey can't complain for under ?4.

    And everyone knows about Soul Calibur.

    The only game that I feel gets an awful lack of intrest is SOS The final escape.

    When EDGE reviewed it they said that a lack of a UK release was the biggest disapointment of the game. A few months later we got one and although the praise was positive it got a lot of 7/10's and not a huge amount of praise.

    Going back to it today is still supprising. It portrayed "Destroyed Beauty" long before Gears of War and looks blinding with an epic scope. Ico seemed to gather more praise as it was deemed more collectable and SOS seemed to sink without much fanfare.

    I urge anyone to pick it up and play through it. It's a bit rusty around the edges, much like it's destroyed landscape, but it's atmosphere and scope is still breathtaking. Anyone who played it on release will rember those first 20 minutes as seemingly solid ground literatly droped around you.

    Brillant game.


      I bought and played SOS last year, i would second that opinion Wools, i seem to remember they tried to market it in the horror genre, but is more of an adventure game.

      I think the 7/10 reviews were probably about right at the time, after you got past the intro there was a lot of similar tasks, so was not an essential purchase at the time for me, but it was nice to see a developer try to do something different.

      Definetly worth a look now if you can find it anywhere that is. Good choice.


        Oddworld Strangers Wrath
        Quantum Redshift
        Mashed Reloaded

        All xbox. All exclusively so (bar Mashed)


          People should hook up Perfect Dark 64 and finally realise how much better it is than Goldeneye, and everything else ever for that matter.


            The Goemon games on the N64.


              In any thread like this, I'll always end up throwing up these two names - Outcast and Exhumed. Two of the finest games in any generation and yet rarely on any top 10, top 20 or maybe even top 100 games list.


                Do they still have SOS: the final escape 2 in shops?
                When I read the review in EDGE I wanted it straight away! and is the first one any good?

                I have to say Dreamfall : The Longest Journey on xbox. I'd say about 2 people on this forum have played it, and ye are the type of people who have played wild west cowboys of moo mesa for gods sake!!


                  Pretty much the only game which I consider to be under-rated is Billy Hatcher and the Giant Egg. The only game (Sunshine aside) which managed to capture an inch of the sheer joy from SM64. Easily more fun than Jak and Daxter and more vaired than (if not quite as funny as) Psychonauts.

                  Admitedly the last two levels are atrocious, but up till then it's a great romp.


                    When these threads pop up I always have to say Gregory Horror Show for PS2. It - is - so - good. It had both me and my GF stuck to the couch for about a fortnight solid. I'd describe it as a survival horror meets soap opera meets creepy voyeurism game. There's no combat or anything, you just creep around the haunted Gregory Hotel spying on the guests and watching their little dramas and intrigues. The characters and story are superb and it's really quite odd as well, which always gets a plus in my book.
                    Last edited by MattyD; 21-11-2006, 20:05. Reason: Entered format


                      Was that an XBox game, Matty? I remember the name vaguely but totally missed out on it.


                        Capcom PS2. Think Majora's Mask meets Shenmue, only more twisted...


                          Originally posted by thebuddahman
                          The Goemon games on the N64.
                          Definitely, I played the first one of these a few months back and it was surprisingly good.

                          I should try and find the second, is it rare?


                            Originally posted by Dogg Thang
                            Was that an XBox game, Matty? I remember the name vaguely but totally missed out on it.
                            Sorry, should have said PS2, now edited.

                            Yeah, it's definately along the lines of Majora's Mask, but with a single-day cycle (so not so much waiting around and killing time).


                              I've always had something of a soft spot for Dropship: United Peace Force on PS2, despite being nearly useless at it. It seems to have been overlooked completely.

