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A cool bundle I thought

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    A cool bundle I thought

    A cool bundle I thought so I asked Ronald at A.I. trading how much it was: The price is US$1940, plus shipping charge, he told me.

    That?s approximately 18 dollar per title.

    Well maybe some other time but a cool deal was it.

    Mega Drive Cartridge Collection 108 titles

    I dont think you would avoid getting stung by customs for that lot. I am still a little tempted though


      edit, heh.. doesn't matter. I remember what the game was called.


        It's....Fantasy Land or something, not sure of the name but it's along those lines :P

        Opa-Opa rocks :O


          Aye, it's "Super Fantasy Zone". Actually says it on the box in the picture but its hard to make out.


            If i was a collector, I may have paid out for the games.

            Would a collection like that gain a lot of value in 50-80 years?


              Yay 12 games I don't have, but don't think 12 games would be worth the $2200 it would cost to get.

              There is also a lot of rubbish there too, games that you could find for less then a fiver each.

              I think over the last 2 years my MD collection is probably worth about 35% less now then then... :/


                Hmm well I did a very rough valuation and it isnt really a great deal. When you factor in postage then the possibility of getting stung by customs then it actually works out cheaper to buy the games individually elsewhere. Oh well at least it saved me ?1300.


                  when would you ever play them all ?

                  or am i missing the point ?

