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PS3 - hacked already?

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    Originally posted by IanE
    Which still doesn't relect an attach rate on launch day.
    You are right, but those figures are from the first week's sales.


      Annnd? It takes time to export and list them all.


        Last edited by EvilBoris; 25-11-2006, 17:48.


          It affects the figures though, get something more upto date and I bet it's not close to the first week's attach rate.


            Originally posted by NekoFever
            True, but the PS3 has a hard drive and the ability to run code from it. As has already happened with the PSP, all it takes is an enterprising hacker to make a bootloader that can boot the software from the disc image rather than the drive and the pirates are off in their little cat and mouse game. That time it was a matter of days before they went from dumping ISOs to loading them.

            I'm not sure if PS3 games use the same security as BD and HD DVD movies, but if they do this doesn't say much for AACS protection.
            It was actually a matter of months before ISOs on PSP went from being posted on Usenet to being actually executable. And that was because the early PSP firmwares were easily exploited and complete kernel access was found.

            Thus far there has been no breach of the PS3's security. Linux sits on top of the PS3's OS and has no access at all to its kernel functions.

            So basically all that has been achieved so far is the ability to dump off the BD's data without needing a standalone BD drive in a PC. I doubt Sony are that worried at the moment.


              I'm sure they are worried at the moment -- they're biting their nails until someone smashes the walls down!

