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Manfacturing and Big 3 screw up

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    Manfacturing and Big 3 screw up

    1. Sony

    Not enough PS3 and Too many clamp down on imports and problem with upscaler to 1080i and massive delay for Europe.

    2. Microsoft

    Not enough HD DVD Drive for XBOX 360 and reliability issue on XBOX 360

    3. Nintendo

    No component cable and not enough wii is produced as many importers had difficulity getting one.

    What is going on with them.

    Nothing new there really, PS2s were hardly readily available initially, Sony have been clamping down on imports for a while and it's pretty much the norm to have large delays when items come to Europe. It's been a pleasant surprise this hasn't been the case with the Wii and 360.

    The PS2 had problems with its optical drive as did the Xbox so neither were reliable on launch either.

    Gamecube component cables are pricey and not easy to get a hold of either, no change again.



      Agree with you about Sony & Nintendo, both have the smell of market manipulation about them (especially Nintendo, who only up until recently said people would be able to walk into a shop on launch day and buy a wii off the shelf - what a load of horse****! ).

      As for the HD-DVD thing, I think that may be a hardware problem outside of Microsoft's control, there are still problems with blu-ray and HD-DVD machines (Toshiba recently delayed the launch of its two players because of hardware problems, despite starting a big marketing push for them).


        SOny couldn't make enough PS2s when that came out so its not a new phenomenon. And, iirc, that launch sold a million units at each region launch! So this one is pretty shockingly sparse. The PS2 prices were alos through the roof.


          Uhhh.... maybe importers couldn't get Wii consoles because Nintedo is holding stock back for the forthcoming Japanese and Euro launches?


            Originally posted by JohnMcL7
            The PS2 had problems with its optical drive as did the Xbox so neither were reliable on launch either.
            Compared to the 360 it's nothing though, it's a terribly shakey system, however good it is when it's working perfectly.
            "not enough wii is produced"
            Well, there has been over twice the amount produced (Wii compared to PS3), and the Wii is only out in the States, they must have a load of them worldwide.

