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Wario World

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    Wario World

    I've been playing the US version of this inbetween bouts of other games. It's not exactly the greatest piece of software ever committed to a disc, but it's great fun nonetheless. The fighting element is better than I imagined it would be and although there are only a few moves, they are all satisfying to use. Especially the move where you pick up an enemy and spin him around, clobbering everything else on the screen.

    There's a lot more exploring to do within the tight levels than I thought there would be. When I completed stage one, I realised I'd only picked up about 20% of the total treasure for the level. Each stage has loads of secrets and they can be revisited as often as you like, but collected items remain collected and anything you do that changes the design of the levels (like opening up new pathways) stays the same. The difficulty setting is very easy, but the fun is more in finding all the secests.

    There's some nice original touches like the glue balls and the graphics are very pleasant and smooth. Enemies are fairly basic in terms of polygon count, but are endearing. Which makes beating them up even better.

    The story is utterly dire, but who cares? The best thing about it is Wario himself. The game is constantly filled with his musings and Treasure have wisely kept his "E-E-Excellent!" from Made in Wario. Even the pause screen has Wario going "Nar-nar-nar" at the player .

    Not essential, but great fun between bouts of Joe and VF4 Evo.

    I love it when wario screams "Have a rotten day".
    Waiting for my US version to arrive but during the wait I have played the PAL version at work and quite enjoyed it.
    Like you say it's not the best game ever but it is good, simple fun.
    Well worth a try. And it will take ages to collect everything


      Recently i have started to get interested in this for some reason. I have never cared much for Wario... until now. I'm not going to buy the game probably, but will most definitely give it a rent (thanks to Freeloader)

      I am prepared for the worst really... but i'm sure it'll be fun. I read the IGN review yesterday and they commented on it was very short. That doesn't bother me at all, but i was wondering if any of u who have played it/completed it, thought it was short? And if u did.... does that affect the game in any way? I am not bothered whether it is short or long (tee hee) but am interested whether the length effects the overall game

      Is there a ntsc-uk review in the works?
      ----Member since April 2002


        Is there a ntsc-uk review in the works?
        But of course! Half Pint is working on it


          Ignore all the 'it's good but too short'-type reviews. I've probably played it for about 13-15 hours now and still not got everything. I'm up to the last level and have most treasures in each level, but there's still an awful lot left to get. It's a lot of fun searching through a huge level looking for that final treasure piece (some levels are about 10 minutes long from one end to the other)

          It's a fantastic game IMO. Great fun to play, easy to learn and very clever (some puzzles are just brilliant).


            //waits on Goblin's delivery
            Lie with passion and be forever damned...


              Mine arrived from DVD Box Office yesterday, I haven't played it much, but it seems fun enough. Not sure about the odd rapping when you start the game in the main courtyard, brings back memories of Sonic Adventure 2.


                My copy arrived this morning, played it for a couple of hours so far and rinsed the first world. Lots of fun, lots of exploration, lots of ingenuity... so far a decent little game

                Btw was it just a design error, or are the dark circles on the status display for Treasure Courtyard and the boss battles meant to be there for something to collect?
                Lie with passion and be forever damned...

