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DS RPG Decision

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    DS RPG Decision

    I am going away for a week or so just before christmas and realised I have nothing portable to play! So, I', thinking DS Lite and RPG but what is better out of FFIII or Children of Mana?

    I can get the US FFIII for a hefty ?40 today or order a nice cheap copy from VGP. I like both styles of RPG so consider my taste fairly neutral on the game mechanics because I enjoy both styles of game for different reasons.

    Does anyone have both of these and which was their favourite?

    FFIII definately. i've played both and FFIII is a delight to play and really relaxing. Random battles aren't as frequent as some make out to be and its definately something you could pick up and play. especially due to the helpful quick save feature.
    In comparison i found CoM a bit of a bore and a dugeon crawler. fun sometimes but repetitive.


      Pretty much agree with that. I have both games and while CoM is decent, it's all very much mindless hacking and slashing with only 1 town and no real exploring. FF III is old school FF at it's finest.


        Cheers for the replies guys. Ordered from VGP but its on backorder! Hope it gets here before the 15th. Looking forward to some old skool rpg action now.


          FF as well ive heard lots of reviews go on about it being very unforgiving, however i dont see that at all. Im no uber RPG fan and im really enjoying it and finding it just the right difficulty. Oh and its stunning to look at, Square really know what they are doing with the DS.


            FF3 is great for playing on the move, i've been playing it on the train to work on and off and you can save it when you like so leveling is not the chore it normally is.


              I'm about 3 hours into CoM and am a bit disappointed. As someone else has pointed out it seems to lack any real exploration and is very repetitive. it seems to have had alot of what makes a game like this interesting sucked out of it. Very pretty though.
              Have you thought about Contact? (sorry, i know thats a bit OT)


                I have to agree FF III can be pretty harsh at times, one moment you can be breezing through the battles, the next you can come across a pair of Harpies who decimate your entire party in 2 turns (yes, this just happened to me). Can be fairly annoying if you haven't been able to save for a while.

