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Things you would like to see on the wii...

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    Things you would like to see on the wii...

    mine would be a left handed option for the wiimote. you would think this would be in there at the start. i just find it incredibly awkward doing some of the sections on rayman using my right hand, hence i have to keep swapping them between my hands all the time.

    There is a left handed option isn't there? There certainly was on Wii Sports...


      It's has to be per game though, not universally set on the console.


        Eh? Can't you just play with the remote in the other hand? What difference does it make?

        (I honestly don't see the problem, what am I missing?)


          im just use to aiming things with my left hand, its the hand i feel most comfortable using. when i use my right it just doesn't feel the same.


            Agreed I finally got Rayman working and found that my nunchuck wire got in such a tangle from swapping hands so much. Thing is, some games like the toilet door one, I found easier actually using the remote in my right hand (I'm a lefty)...but most were played with the remote in my left. It'd be nice to set the option so the text tells you what to do with each piece depending on how you're holding them (via a l/r setting).


              This may be shocking to some, but I think GT Pro Series is great! The controls are really precise and the cars handle well, in an arcadey way.

              So I'd like to see a racing game designed from the ground up for Wii. Rally or road, it doesn't matter. The Wiimote seems like it can do almost anything.


                Originally posted by Sigourney Beaver
                This may be shocking to some, but I think GT Pro Series is great! The controls are really precise and the cars handle well, in an arcadey way.

                So I'd like to see a racing game designed from the ground up for Wii. Rally or road, it doesn't matter. The Wiimote seems like it can do almost anything.
                wouldn't mind if they make a decent follow up to the n64 version of wave race. im sure they could make it possible for the wii, hopefully the n64 version will be on the vc soon. love that game!


                  star wars could be good, like that arcade machine with a huge joystick which was used as lightsaber, flight stick and gun...
                  and someone oughtto make plastic handlebars to surround the wiimote with an excitebike style game...


                    Yeah Star Wars would be good (on any next gen system for that matter! Lego don't count), and some JAV star related game would be cool. *Cough~Maria Ozawa~Cough*

