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PS3 Impressions

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    PS3 Impressions

    Random musings (and talking bollocks).

    "**** me, this is a heavy bastard!". The first thing that sprang to mind, lugging the PS3 up the stairs. And it is too, all the weight in the box is the machine itself; substantially heavier than the 360 I would say.

    Unpacking it I expected an avalanche of paper to befall on me. Nope, not the case. Three or four small guides packed into a small bag and not much else bar the cables (packed down the sides), quite ironic considering Nintendo's stance on keeping things simple and the amount of paper that attacked me when unpacking a US Wii.

    Anyways, after removing the obligatory Sony foam-wrap, suddenly the bedroom light glimmering off it's shiny, shiny surface. It immediately struck me, it doesn't look that bad at all. In fact, it looks kinda like Keeley Hazell; curvy in all the right places. In other words, sexy. Photos do not do it justice, IMO.

    Into position it went next to my other, other bundle of joy, the 360. They sat there co-habitating and playing nicely, which is always nice to see. Hooked it all up, switched it on, and it sprang into life prompting me to connect the SIXAXIS controller via the supplied USB cable to charge it. I duly obliged. One thing that sprang to mind at this point - the noise - or lack thereof. Comparing the noise of both machines, is like comparing the quiet odd couple living next-door to the resident chav family.

    Anyway, onto the next screen, and the machine detects I'm connected via HDMI and allows me to confirm as much. It then defaults to 720p (which I later change to 1080p). It has to be said, the initial process of configuring isn't as convenient as the 360 one, IMO. Where the 360 kinda led you by the hand through A-F, the PS3 doesn't. Basically, it's down to you to go through the System and Profile Settings yourself and set each of the properties; Language, Profile, PlayStation Store, Sound Settings etc. If your familar with the PSP's interface, then the PS3 one won't feel alien to you too much, since it's essentially the same interface albeit with more ground to cover. This can (and will) be a pain especially for the non-gamer who isn't savvy enough to go through each individual option.

    One minor annoyance I came across, using HDMI I could either select sound through HDMI or using the Optical output, I can't use both. Thus, I have to chop and change when I want to watch a film.

    I'd say it probably took me around 20 minutes to get everything setup correctly - and that was without any real problems and taking into consideration, the amount spent on downloading the latest firmware update.

    For something that's free, the PlayStation Store actually utilises a very workable and sleek interface. It's a bit easier on the eyes than 360 Marketplace, IMO. The downloads available are quite impressive too! PSP PSOne downloads are available (for a cost!), as are demos of MotorStorm, F1, Genji etc. And of course, not forgetting a 14Gb 1080p Lair video, clocking in at 2 minutes!

    After much faffing about, I decided to pop Ridge Racer 7 in and see what the fuss is about...
    Last edited by Bleeders; 13-12-2006, 10:13.

    Congats on your purchase

    I couldn't agree more, the PS3 is a beautiful piece of kit. As you say, pictures don't do it justice. I have my PS3 sitting next to my 360 as well and it makes the 360 look like one of the ugly sisters.

    Oh, and the Motorstorm demo is a must!


      It is indeed.

      Gonna be a good little racer, I feel.


        Good write up. Thanks man. Keep the thoughts coming. And start a first play thread if there are games you have that aren't done already.


          Just had to download the latest firmware. V1.31. Any ideas what it does?


            Another one! Wtf, 1.30 was released within the last week wasn't it?


              Originally posted by Geezer
              Another one! Wtf, 1.30 was released within the last week wasn't it?
              Aye. I just got my PS3 on Monday and the 1.30 download was the first thing it wanted when I set up the wireless connection. So I've had two updates in 2 days.

              If it adds 720p for Blu-ray movies I'll be happy


                great impressions mate, i was gonna post mine this weekend after uni c/w handin. Your post captures the excitement of unpacking it really well!

                PS3 has basically blown me away thus far, and i havent played on my wii since it arrived first thing monday (although that will change when i start zelda).

                Wont be updating the firmware again until i know what it does...


                  Originally posted by Bib
                  If it adds 720p for Blu-ray movies I'll be happy
                  It doesn't


                    so what does it do then mate?


                      After seeing one in the flesh I was surprised how pretty it looks. People have given it a fair bit of grief, but I liked it.

                      Seeing it in the flesh I was struck by how similar it is in basic shape to an old-style PS2. Much bigger though! Very quiet too.


                        Apparently it has fixes related to installing PS2 games on the PS3 HD (with games such as FFXI).


                          I?m still a little under whelmed with my Play station 3 so far, I know its going to be an amazing machine once the killer apps arrive but right now I just don?t feel its value for money. (Oh and I paid US retail price with no shipping or customs btw!)

                          I have only had a quick blast on the Moterstorm demo which was great fun, and a couple hours on Resistance (both single player and Multiplayer) which left me a little cold to be honest. Ill give RR7 a blast when I don?t have as much other stuff going on. Cant even see myself touching the machine again until Moterstorm arrives. I would add that?s partly due to me having 3 months of gaming goodness to catch up on, I?ve not even touched GOW or Zelda yet!!

                          What I?ve thought was good

                          I think the user interface is neat and tidy and I flew through the initial setup after I found a US address to register under, id even go as far to say it was much quicker than my 360 setup. The updates where really quick too.

                          The PS store - Well I went there right away after updating looking for some cool stuff to d/l but as I have Resistance and RR7 it was only the Moterstorm demo that took my fancy, 10 minutes to download and I was playing it. 10 Minutes in my opinion is quick, much quicker than 360 demo downloads.

                          Online play ? Resistance has either a solid netcode or just mint servers, either way I have never experienced any lag whilst playing.

                          What I?ve thought has been disappointing -

                          Sixaxis Pad ? Light and just does not feel solid. The lack of any feedback/rumble makes it feel lifeless. I just don?t dig it right now.

                          PS Store ? Not enough selection, nothing of interest to me just now.

                          Online play ? No voice, kinda just defeats the purpose. Zero banter or chat kinda limits my enjoyment of the machine and the games. Ive said it before but maybe I have been spoiled with Xbox Live but I feel a bit cheated to be honest. Kinda like the mrs saying she does not do anal anymore?.its just not right is it?


                            re: the ps store -- give it time mate! Im quite impressed theres that much stuff on there already 0_0


                              I wouldn't give the PS Store too much of a hard time at the moment, simply because it's free and doesn't require having to shell out a monthly fee for it.

                              I imagine voice support will be implemented as standard in the near future, but the online network as it is, suffices for now.

