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Opera Beta coming out 23rd of December

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    Opera Beta coming out 23rd of December

    Meristation interviewed Nintendo of Spain's Nico Wegnez, who said that the beta version of Opera Webbrowser is coming out in 23rd of December. It's free to download and has flash support. Final version is coming out in March, and it will be free to download until June.

    ?Qu? sabemos del funcionamiento de los Canales Wii en Espa?a?

    Puedo confirmarles lo siguiente. Navidades 23 de diciembre lanzaremos una versi?n de ?beta? del navegador Opera disponible de forma gratuita para todos los usuarios de Wii. Suplir? las necesidades b?sicas y permitir? la reproducci?n de archivos en formato flash. En marzo llegar? la versi?n definitiva, tambi?n gratuita hasta Junio. A partir de Junio, el usuario que quiera hacer uso del navegador de Internet tendr? que abonar una cantidad por determinar. Lo que no sabemos si los que antes de Junio tenga ya Opera instalado en la consola podr?n seguir us?ndolo gratuitamente de forma indefinida.


    Good idea. Get a version out there for people to test, tweak it with user feedback for the final.


      After the whole update-bricking shenanigans, who'd *really* want to use beta software on their Wii?


        Originally posted by toythatkills
        After the whole update-bricking shenanigans, who'd *really* want to use beta software on their Wii?
        That bricking actually happened due faulty flash memory that was in some consoles. Update itself was working correctly.


          When this comes out be sure to check out

          a website dedicated to using the wii remote on flash games (can also be used with mouse)


            Originally posted by Boggy
            When this comes out be sure to check out

            a website dedicated to using the wii remote on flash games (can also be used with mouse)

            need to bookmark that just now

