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Gaming news sites

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    Gaming news sites

    When I'm not playing games, one of my favourite things to do is not only read about them, but hunt for the latest news. Korean sites like Videogamerx and Ruliweb are great for early news and stuff that no mainstream sites usually cover but where else do people use?

    My full list atm is:

    Insert Credit
    Game Brink
    The Magicbox
    Impress Watch

    Anyone recommend any others?

    I like EuroGamer and Joystiq, between their RSS feeds I find most general stuff appears.


      I just follow magic box, eurogamer and let the two forum do the work for me. (NTSC UK and Rllmuk for news)


        I don't really use gaming sites at all nowadays, if theres a upcoming hot relese, I'll look out for reviews. Otherwise, its neogaf and NTSC UK for news and impressions.

        GAF is so big that you'll always get news there a good few hours or days before other sites pick it up, and also because its so big you'll get a variation of impressions for games you want to discuss. There photoshops are pretty funny. Although usually threads turn into fanboy wars and just look like a more intelligent version of gamefaqs.

        NTSC-UK on the other hand, well tis like GAF, except smaller, usually better opinions and less frantic fanboys. Discussing things without having to worry about getting a "old" , "lock dis up" or wondering how long it will take a mod to edit your thread up.


          Trawling game sites for news becomes too much like a hobby in itself if you're not careful. I recently pruned about two dozen sites from my favourites and RSS feeds because every time I booted up the PC with the intention of doing something specific or productive, I just ended up looking at a jazillion gaming sites to see if any of them had updated. Like Legendary, I intend to let the forum do the work for me under the assumption that anything interesting enough to bother reading will eventually filter through word of mouth.


            What is a RSS feed exactly? require any programs or something?


              Originally posted by El Leone View Post
              What is a RSS feed exactly? require any programs or something?
              Errr... I would like to know this as well!
              This has been cropping up far too often for me to not know by now!


                Bloody hell...your sat here posting on the internet and we have to do the search for you?


