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Old folks and Wii

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    Old folks and Wii

    I guess Nintendo's plan must be working. Was in town having a coffee with my Mum and she was asking what I knew about "that new game with the bowling that you move your arm about on" because she is thinking of buying one for my Dad's birthday. Now, they're 68 and 74 respectively and that's the first gaming interest shown since Boulderdash on the c64. Some smart people at Wii Towers I guess.

    It was rather distressing explaining to her about my DOA console though

    Anyone else had non-gamer friends or relatives suddenly show an interest in the cute white box of tricks?

    My father-in-law was playing Tennis, Golf and Tenpin on the Wii today. He wsn't too keen on the Tennis (just like his daughter!) but he thinks the golf is great. He's 63 BTW. Next challenge is to get the Mother-in-law playing now!


      My mum (70) loves the tennis game.


        I'll find out on Xmas day, buying the folks one for their present (as long as GS pull through on their gaurantee of a machine before Xmas of course).


          Both my parents (60) had a go today. Both liked the tennis, and the old man loved the golf and boxing. It was very surreal watching my old man and my daughter 8, having a virtual punch up


            Yep. The missus' parents (both coming on 60) were quite interested, and I think her mother wants one for christmas. Also had a load of people who don't give a monkeys about videogames asking all sorts of questions.


              My mother in-law plays the tennis, bowling and the daily body strength test thingy. Actually this could be a bad idea since I can hardly get in for a go now...hmmmm


                Wish my mum would actually try the actual wii portion of my console. She just relentlessly plays on donkey kong country on the vc.


                  My dad (50) tried bowling, tennis and golf on Wii Sports, and he especially enjoyed bowling. The last time he enjoyed playing games, was when he played some sort of a pink "Game and Watch"-sort-of-thing (which I can't find) where you played as a goal-keeper, and I was about 5 or 6 years old. He has never enjoyed other types of games, although he have tested a few, he just doesn't want to put time into them. Wii Sports is different, it's more easy to get into, and he doesn't have to use a lot of time to learn it, and I think that's why he likes it.


                    My wife hates games but even she said "That looks interesting" when she saw Wii Tennis running. We had a few games on Hajimete No Wii but she lost at most of them



                      Yeah, I mentioned in the "Nintendo Wii" thread: at the weekend my Grandad (85) is intereseted in the Wii. As is my Uncle and a whole bunch of other people much older than me.


                        My gramp who I dont think has ever played a game in his life played and enjoyed the bowling. He keeps poping round for the odd game now and then

