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Unseen64 - nice website

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    Unseen64 - nice website

    Screens and info about unreleased games or sections of games that never made the cut.

    For example...
    Ico PS1

    Shenmue Saturn

    Halo RTS

    You can also see how Too Human has gone From this,
    To this
    To this! And to think, it's still miles away from release.

    Anyway, take a look down memory lane

    (will have to copy links into browser)
    Last edited by PeteJ; 19-12-2006, 18:10.

    Links are bust Pete - Nice site though Ninja Gaiden looks **** in some of them shots !!!

    Spazio Web hehe.
    Last edited by Yoshimax; 19-12-2006, 18:19.


      The old Metroid Prime started out looking suspiciously like a Turok game, but I guess that's no surprise given the developer's history. I'm glad it improved as much as it did.


        LOL, I can remember those first Zelda N64 shots coming out and being blown away by them. Coupled with Mario 64, they pretty much sold me on an N64 instantly.

        And Shenmue Saturn brings back memories. You unlock a video of it when you finish Shenmue II on the DC (not sure about Xbox).


          i keep trying to find some screenshots of Jet Set Radio 2 on the dc....My search continues!

          Good site though, and it was interesting to see Ico looking pretty damn good on the PSone!


            shenmue ....

            still looks good.


              Yeah we should be glad that they held it back for the DC - For me that was its natural home.

              I forgot to look but I remember pics of Banjo Kazooie running on a SG dev kit from Edge years back - looked stunning at the time - Like how the game turned out but running in HD


                my goodness! THANK the Lord that Shenmue made it to DC instead! Sheesh!



                  Intriguing (alleged) Super Mario World beta screenshot...


                    just spent hours on that site and their youtube videos. great stuff

                    found a link to this video which came with the first issue of n64 magazine (the successor to superplay). i remember watching this video tonnes. sure brought back some memories.


                      I still have that video. Must dust it off and have a looksie.

