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Wii Controller Love Thread

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    Wii Controller Love Thread

    I'm not going to gush about just how amazing the pointer is, and how it exceeds expectations. If you forget that the controller is motion sensitive and was just a bog standard control device, I'm thinking it would still be revolutionary through the freedom it gives you with hand placement. Controlling a character with the analogue stick resting at your side and functions with the action buttons on your lap just feels so comfortable and adds plenty to the experience.

    The thing that gets me is that its just such a simple design. Why hasn't this been done in mainstream gaming before? Oh, and how long until similar controllers appear for the 360 or PS3 (again, not thinking about motion :P) Genius design that was perhaps an accident; an offshoot of having a pointer as a primary control device.

    Yeah it is great. When I got mine the otherday, me, my girlfriend and mates where stunned. It was like the 80s when Ataris came outor something. All reacting like "What is this new crazy technology?" whilst waving arms about

    I'm just happy to twist the hand cursor on the shopping loading screen and fingering the loading ring

    Looking forward to more indepth sports games and Metroid.


      I love how it rumbles as you move your pointer over the buttons, it makes the menus feel tactile. Helps when your typing too as it stops you going too far & missing the button you wanted.

      I though i was alone in abusing the ring thing on the shopping channel while waiting for it to load, glad to see im not alone hehe.


        The motion detection - rolling, pitching etc works really well, and is more responsive than I expected. The forward and backwards motion though (as used in Monkeyball mini-games and Red Steel) is dreadful and basically doesn't work.

        And the pointer... to be honest I think it's mediocre. It's just too jittery and laggy.

        I agree the wiimote is a great idea though and an ideal way to bring in the casuals. It's nowhere near as complex or powerful as people imagine it to be (it's actually really simple technology), but people's imaginations fill in most of the gaps.


          It's an ergonomic marvel.


            Originally posted by Kotatsu Neko View Post
            The motion detection - rolling, pitching etc works really well, and is more responsive than I expected. The forward and backwards motion though (as used in Monkeyball mini-games and Red Steel) is dreadful and basically doesn't work.

            And the pointer... to be honest I think it's mediocre. It's just too jittery and laggy.
            Have to agree with this. I love it in general but forward and backwards barely works. I got Elebits during the week and opening drawers is a pain in the hole. Also I am a little suprised by the lack of responsiveness. It seems there is always a bit of a delay and the controller gets easily confused. For example, in Wii Sports Boxing, it usually can't keep up. That sort of defeats the purpose of the controller.

            Overall though, I love it. It certainly looks nice. I feel this might be a step on a journey though. While it's not the glorified Eye-Toy I feared it might be, it still has a long way to go. Just my opinion.


              Never have had any problems with pointer precision, jitteriness or lag but I think that nunchuk's gyroscopes could really use some work. For example, for two times of three I did swing instead of shield push in Zelda, because nunchuk's detection is so poor. But yeah, overall, it is pretty much that I excepted and little more, because it is so ergonomic.

              Originally posted by Dogg Thang View Post
              Overall though, I love it. It certainly looks nice. I feel this might be a step on a journey though.
              Yeah, I agree. Wiimote has some niggles pretty much in same way as N64's analog stick had. Second generation console analog sticks were so much better.
              Last edited by elkatas; 23-12-2006, 16:22.


                The way that you can move your hands independently has definitely been the big revelation for me. It's definitely more comfortable for extended sessions and I love having my left hand with the nunchuck down at my side while I point with the remote. The rest of it is great too, but that's a design choice that I definitely wouldn't mind seeing on future consoles.


                  I still dont know if im convinced yet. For wiisports and play its cool, nice to control things in a different way, but having to flail my arms about like an idiot in zelda is doing my head in a bit, if not just because its kinda inprescise and i keep dying because of it ;_;. im only 4 hours in, which i think does have to do with the controller more than the fact that i can barely get near a TV at the moment. But then again, once i get used to it its weird going back to something like oblivion and NOT having to flail about like an idiot in order to attack.

                  AS much as i LIKE my wii, im not in LOVE with it yet, not like i got with my DS or am with my 360. I know things will pick up but boy am i impatient .


                    I find just slight movements do me fine in Zelda, I cant actually imagine sitting flailing around like an idiot to it, it would be pretty pointless and inaccurate.

                    Being able to have ur arms at ur sides is def one of the best things about the controller.

                    I am a bit miffed at the quality of sensing, both in the pointer, and the motion. Maybe its going to take some getting used to to get good at it, but it seems very imprecise.


                      I find the pointer for arrows and stuff very very sensitive, better than analouge IMO. The motion sensing for the sword Im not very fond of, specially spinning as the nunchuck seems to not pick up spins sometimes which is annoying.


                        Yeh Im being too harsh on the pointer, in game it is smoooth, but in the Wii Menu, they need to smooth it out cos it isnt smooth at all


                          Originally posted by retrend View Post
                          Yeh Im being too harsh on the pointer, in game it is smoooth, but in the Wii Menu, they need to smooth it out cos it isnt smooth at all
                          Yeah that's a weird one. It's nice and smooth in say, Trauma Center, but on the Wii dashboard it jitters and flickers all over the place. I assume Trauma center just has nicer smoothing code running, but it's really odd that Nintendo would let their own front end look so unfinished.

                          Early days I guess, and at least they're able to download dashboard updates to add (and presumably fix) stuff.


                            I've found that it's (for me at least) due to distance. I am sat just a little too far away so I have to lean in when playing games like Rayman or the Wii Menu.

                            It's actually one of my annoyances that I'm too far away (when I'm not even 3 metres away).

                            So yeah, try moving slightly closer, I find that makes the pointer in the Wii menu much better. It really narks me though...surely it could have a bloody 2.5 metre range without struggling in Rayman.


                              yeh, if I lean back in my sofa I get the out of range message popping up quite frequently. Im tempted to take a picture of the room to show how ridiculous this is, its really not far away

