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Why don't developers use this setup for FPS's on the Wii?

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    Why don't developers use this setup for FPS's on the Wii?

    Crosshairs locked in the middle of the screen just like a normal FPS and use the A button to simulate when you pick up the mouse/stylus off the mousepad/screen. When you can't turn in the direction you want anymore without pointing off-screen just hold down the A button down and readjust your Wiimote. Also, to zoom, hold down the A button and push controller toward screen and when done let go of A and the screen will stay zoomed until you press A again. This will eliminate the screen going all over the place while zooming since aiming is static while holding A.

    All FPS's use the A button for secondary aiming anyway so it's not like you would be missing a vital gameplay function. It honestly seems like the perfect Wii FPS controls to me.

    I'd rather have a crosshair that freely moves around the screen without the entire camera moving and jumping around...then just press a button or move the cursor to the side of the screen if you want to move.

    That could save me a lot of motion sickness.


      Alos bear in mind that you can look / point a gun somewhere other than the dead centre of your view. Unless you have some kind of weird neck or back deformity that makes you need to rotate on the spot whenever you look around, but then you're in the minority.


        yeh theres deffiantely lots of different schemes that could work.

        one i though possible would be using the analogue stick to strafe around, and using the motion sensing in the nunchuck to look up, down, left and right, they would act like a second analogue stick here so ud keep turning till u moved back to ur neutral position (potential hand killer i know but its an idea). then the wiimote would still be free to shoot anywhere on the screen.

        this might not work but ur getting a lot of things under control there. id love to test out some of my ideas to get the perfect control scheme. e'dge of the screen' turning just isnt good enough.


          Alos bear in mind that you can look / point a gun somewhere other than the dead centre of your view. Unless you have some kind of weird neck or back deformity that makes you need to rotate on the spot whenever you look around, but then you're in the minority.
          So I guess every single FPS ever made that isn't on the Wii is flawed in your view and having aiming and turning seperate is better? This is not real life we are talking about here as I can name a million things that happen in FPS's that don't happen in real life, although in a game and in real life you are always looking at what you are shooting at and having them one and the same in a game makes the experience easier. The problem with the way FPS's are on the Wii is that while the aiming the reticule gives you direct control like a mouse, turning is still controling the rate of acceleration in a certain direction like using an analog stick.
          Last edited by Shearie; 28-12-2006, 01:41.


            I think for me online shooters on wii are gonna be annoying if it uses the "sensorbar"

            Often in Zelda when using the arrows it says "please point at the screen" so I Could see this happening in FPS. About to get a headshot and you go slightly out and have to move it up again, moving your crosshair and the guy has moved or noticed you by then!
            I find the pointer really accurate in zelda for aiming, but the amount of times it's gone out of range I wouldnt dare count up.


              Red Steel's controls suck if you ask me. Shoulda just been toggle a button for turn or strafe on the stick. The turning by using the wiimote messes up a lot, and has driven me to consider putting Red Steel up for sale.
              Kept you waiting, huh?


                Apparently Red Steel originally had a PC style fixed crosshair, but they found it didn't work very well (interview here).

                I've not played Red Steel but the fps controls work pretty well in Elebits and Monkey War.


                  I think for me online shooters on wii are gonna be annoying if it uses the "sensorbar"

                  Often in Zelda when using the arrows it says "please point at the screen" so I Could see this happening in FPS. About to get a headshot and you go slightly out and have to move it up again, moving your crosshair and the guy has moved or noticed you by then!
                  I find the pointer really accurate in zelda for aiming, but the amount of times it's gone out of range I wouldnt dare count up.
                  Yeah. The area in which the wiimote can be read by the sensor bar was the one concern for me too although I'm still sure my method will work since the only FPS I have played on the Wii, Red Steel, doesn't do that "please point at the screen" when you aren't pointing at the screen. Once you know how far you can point the wiimote to the side then all you have to do is hold the A button and readjust.


                    Originally posted by Ouenben View Post
                    Often in Zelda when using the arrows it says "please point at the screen" ...
                    I only find that happens when I don't need to be pointing at the screen per se. When I've played Red Steel and CoD3 I didn't really find that happening because my hand-eye co-ordination was 'connecting' where I was pointing the remote and what was happening on-screen. Basically it makes you more conscious of where you're pointing it rather than letting it slip, which I tend to do in Zelda also.


                      I personally think Red Steel's controls just need getting used to.

                      They don't suck at all. Maybe if you had a slightly larger crosshair and some form of aiming help like most first person shooters on consoles, then it would be a slight bit better. Though even on red steel you had some form of lock-on, if you had the same controls but a tiny bit of crosshair lock-on or auto-aim, I think it'd be fine.

