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What games are you looking forward to in 2007?

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    What games are you looking forward to in 2007?

    So Christmas and 2006 have come and gone, and the Big Three have all dealt their hands for the next generation (if not in all territories).

    So aside from PAL PS3'ers, what do we gamers have to look forward to and get excited about in the coming year?

    Personally, I'm hoping for the pace to pick up in the PC market. Supreme Commander, Hellgate: London, HL2: Episode 2, BioShock, and DirectX 10 are all pings on my radar at the moment.

    When will the Wii and the PS3 get their second round of games?

    I must say Supreme Commander is top of my list - I loved Total Annihilation back in the day it was fantastic....I have been waiting so long for this it is not true!


      Lost Planet
      Mario Galaxy
      Metroid Prime 3
      Halo 3
      Forza 2
      VF 5
      Tekken 6


        Alan Wake.
        Halo 3.
        GTA IV.
        Metal Gear Solid 4.
        Heavenly Sword.
        Assassin's Creed.
        Mass Effect.
        Lost Planet.
        Mario Galaxy.
        Metroid Prime: Corruption.

        Off the top of my head. I'm sure there's more.


          Mostly Xbox 360 stuff:

          Lost Planet
          Halo 3
          Alan Wake
          Resident Evil 5
          Assasin's Creed
          Mass Effect
          Fable 2
          The Darkness
          Blue Dragon

          And on Wii:

          Metroid Prime 3


            There's little chance Resident Evil 5 or Fable 2 will make it this year. Probably the same for Alan Wake unfortunately. :/

            The only reason I included it because Remedy have more or less told the media to stfu until they announce a date themselves.


              Army of Two
              Assassin's Creed
              Alan Wake (unless it has been delayed until 2008 )
              GTA 4
              Heavenly Sword
              Kane & Lynch: Dead Men
              Killzone PS3 (2007 - yeah right)
              Lost Planet
              Metal Gear Solid 4
              Mass Effect
              Phoenix Wright 4 (if it makes it this year)
              Zelda DS
              Last edited by Spatial; 02-01-2007, 12:01.


                Lost Planet
                Super Mario Galaxy
                Metroid Prime 3: Corruption
                .hack//GU Volume 2
                Virtua Fighter 5
                Kingdom Hearts 2: Final Mix +
                It's a Wonderful Life
                Resident Evil: Umbrella Corp Chronicles
                Blue Dragon
                Eternal Sonata
                Lost Oddessy
                Super Smash Brothers Wii
                Legend of Zelda: Phantom Hourglass
                Devil May Cry 4
                White Knight Story
                Tomb Raider: 10th Anniversary
                Assasin's Creed

                Probably a load more.


                  I'm looking forward to Lost Planet, that should be a nice way to kick off 2007.
                  Then after that I can't wait for Assassins creed and Half Life Episode 2 with all the portal gubbins included. Haven't really thought about anything else to be honest, I'm sure there's loads more coming though.
                  Does anyone know if we can expect a Silent Hill title this year, except the PSP version?
                  Last edited by jimmbob; 02-01-2007, 12:04. Reason: Forgot Half Life Episode 2


                    Rather than a big list i have narrowed it down to top 5 in order or prefference.

                    5 - Assasins Creed
                    4 - Metal Gear Solid 4
                    3 - Silent Hill 5
                    2 - Virtua Fighter 5
                    1 - Biohazard 5

                    Yep Biohazard always tops my list lol! Im such a fan boy!



                      Loads of games I want, but the big three are Mass Effect, Halo3 and HL2: Episode 2 (plus TF2!).


                        Originally posted by jimmie2k View Post
                        Half Life Episode 2 with all the portal gubbins included.
                        I'd forgotten about those

                        Portal, HL2 episodes 2 and 3 (though that one will probably been 2008 ) and Team Fortress 2 are all on my `can't wait` list.


                          Not many, to be honest, though I'm sure I'll buy a shedload anyway!

                          Those that are on my radar are MP3, Mario Galaxy, Assassins Creed, BioShock and the HL2 bundle for the 360. Oh, and God of War 2 of course.


                            Rouge Galaxy
                            God of War II
                            Dawn of Mana
                            Final Fantasy 12

                            Zelda: TWP
                            Nights (you know it will happen!)
                            Mario Galaxy
                            Metriod Prime
                            Brain Training (I am sure there was rumours of a Wii version)

                            Army of Two
                            Halo 3
                            Lost Planet
                            Resident Evil 5

                            Not buying one this year, other wise DMC4 of course!


                              Originally posted by Concept View Post
                              Alan Wake.
                              Halo 3.
                              GTA IV.
                              Metal Gear Solid 4.
                              Heavenly Sword.
                              Assassin's Creed.
                              Mass Effect.
                              Lost Planet.
                              Mario Galaxy.
                              Metroid Prime: Corruption.

                              Off the top of my head. I'm sure there's more.
                              What he said.

