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GripShift (PS3)

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    GripShift (PS3)

    Added yesterday (I think?) as a downloadable on the PS Store. $9.99USD, but there is a playable demo on there for once.

    Never played the PSP original, seem to remember people didn't like the controls or something.

    I quite like this though. Bit like Marble Blast Ultra's puzzle stuff, thrown into a weapons-based racer. Steering initially feels messed, but you soon realise it suits the game perfect, and for some reason it actually feels alright on the Sixaxis triggers.
    Last edited by sj33; 06-01-2007, 08:46.

    Handling on the PSP version took some getting used to also, but after 30 minutes play it was spot on, be interested to see some comparisons from people who have played both versions, as the PSP one was a decent game overlooked by many imo.


      I'm startled. Nay horrified at the apparant lack of interest for this download, that came out on the 23rd. Not a single thread on it, and that's a terrible shame. Gripshift seems to have a Romulan cloaking device that prevents it being talked about, reviewed or bought, which is why it sold about 5 copies on the PSP. It's by far the best downloadable game on PSN, and arguably the best downloadable game ever on any console (and yes, I include Geometry Wars in that statement).

      It weighs in at a hefty 330Mbish download, and for that you get essentially Gripshift, in HD, scaled up to fit a big screen. If that doesn't get even a small tremor of excitement rising in people's loins, then I don't know what will.

      It plays pretty much as the PSP version did, but with the added benefit of a control pad that is at least partially better than the PSPs own. That said, the SIXAXIS as with most games is exposed for the horrible flaccidness of its sticks, and unergonomic design with this game, as it is with any other.

      What surprised me most is how well the graphics upscaled. I'd expect most PSP titles when stretched across a large HD plasma to look awful, but the conversion team here have worked wonders. The graphics are razor sharp, and wonderful to behold. The gameplay is as great as ever, a mad mix of Stunt Car Racer, Trackmania, and a platform game. The multiple challenges on each level allow each level to become a playground for experimentation. Often, on the more difficult levels you'll work out how to do something wacky to grab something you need, and have a moment's warm smug satisfaction as you think you've outsmarted the designers - only to find what you did is EXACTLY what they wanted you to do. It is truly brilliant in that regard.

      There's not a great deal more to say about it - other than for ?4.99 you can play Gripshift on a big screen. And this is a Very Good Thing.


        i really love this game, looks great, plays great, costs bugger all. what more could you want. I've played this more than all my full price PS3 games, its very very addictive


          Originally posted by watusi View Post
          i really love this game, looks great, plays great, costs bugger all. what more could you want. I've played this more than all my full price PS3 games, its very very addictive
          Listen to this man PS3 owners! Listen to his words! Reward the Gripshift developers, buy their bloody game this time!


            Am gonna get this I think. How much is it on the UK store compared to the US store? Will prob just get it from the UK one as the US is a bit of a hassle.


              Anyone playing on a US machine?


                It's really good online, I had a blast on it the other night.


                  Bleeders, if you're asking whether it works on an ntsc machine, then yes it does.


                    I think this game was really under rated!! It's a lot of fun to play and there is plenty on it to play.


                      just got this and it does seem a bit of a bargain

                      controls are a touch tricky to get to grips with but its far better value than flow or rub'a'dub.

