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Maybe clues, speed boosters are back in MP3 on Wii ?

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    Originally posted by Geoff G
    the core gameplay is as damn near perfect for me as gaming gets.
    And it was on of the biggest disappointments in my gaming life.

    The shooting and fighting bits just felt and controlled horribly in comparison with nearly every other fps. I mean just imagine for a moment, that you'd have to play a pure fps with these controls.. the game would be flamed for its awkward control sheme. All the fps console games don't just control like they do for fun.. these control shemes didn't came out of nowhere, they evolved and were perfected over the years. MP is just a major step back in these departments imo. And that doesn't have anything to do with the fact that MP isn't an fps. There are fps parts in it, and they should and COULD play better, if they wouldn't use these archaic controls.
    These controls don't do the game any good and I'm still buffled what they've thought when they developed it.
    The only reason MP gets away with it imo, is that there's more to do besides the shooting parts, so it shouldn't be that big of an issue if they control a little crappy right?
    So there's also the concept of exploring a more nonlinear gameworld and maybe some platforming parts. But the Platforming action pales in comparison to the furious wall-jumping and screw-attack stuff in the 2D iterations and the exploration is mainly based around scanning stuff and sometimes reading descriptions, which in itself wouldn't be that bad if it wouldn't be a little clumsy to use.
    I mean you have to press a direction on the digital stick to activate your small scanning window, then if you want to scan something that isn't in your aim you have to press and hold the R-button and use your analog stick to center it and then you finally have to press and hold the L-button to scan and download it (which can take a while.. who had that idea'?) and then hold L all the time until you finished reading (you have to click A if there are multiple pages). So yeah, imo it's getting old after some time and while you don't have to scan everything, it's a nessecary evil if you want to solve the "puzzles" and find hidden stuff.
    Imo they should streamline the whole process, maybe down to just one button press.

    Originally posted by MattyD
    Uhhh... That's the whole point of Metroid Prime. It's not supposed to be like any other FPS, it's a first-person adventure game.
    I know and I'm fully aware that it's not supposed to be like a "normal" fps but does this mean that the shooting parts in first-person adventure games have to control awkwardly?

    If you got rid of the scanning and made the controls more conventional, it wouldn't be Metroid any more. Metroid Hunters on the DS pretty much fulfilled those criteria actually and it's the lamest Metroid game ever.
    That's just very, very weird what you're sayin here oO
    Metroid games need unconventional controls? Why is that?
    And btw I never said they should remove the scanning. I said they should streamline it. That's a big difference.

    Of course I don't want Metroid Prime to become an fps, but I do want that it controls as good as possible and imo these "conventiol fps controls" (like you're calling them as if they were a disease) are way better than the MP gamecube controls, when it comes to the fps parts.
    What you're forgetting here is, that Metroid is also about shooting stuff besides the whole exploring and adventure part, otherwise it wouldn't be a true Metroid game.
    So yeah, even if it would control like any other fps out there and even if the fancy scanning stuff would be streamlined and "downgraded" it could still be true to the "Metroid Formula" (and maybe even spiritually closer to it's 2D ancestors, cause of the more fluid controls/gameplay).

    That's why I'm really looking forward to the new wii controls, and I hope the Prime series finally gets a major kick in the butt (control wise).
    Last edited by Ryo Saeba; 12-01-2007, 15:26.


      i can sort of see what is meant

      like the game pn03 when i first played it i thought the controls were terrible more resident evil like then devil may cry

      i DID get used to the controls in the end and enjoyed the game but i am pretty sure alot of people didnt and i always think it still would have been better if they had gone for a better control system at the start (it did feel like it was unessarily restricting it)

      As far as metroid prime goes i never had that much of a issue with the controls to be honest i am not sure how they could have improved it (as in my mind first person games dont work that well on consoles) with the wii control system i hope that changes


        Originally posted by Dogg Thang View Post
        You've turned something into an either/or scenario. Yet I like the game and I got that Metroid is a lonely experience. What does that leave?
        I'm unsure of what you are getting at ? I was under the impression you don't like the scanning part of Metroid prime, yet you haven't given an example of how the gameplay could be improved.


          Ah, it's up to me to improve it. Sort of like defending a movie by saying 'you can't make a better one'?

          What I'm getting at in the post you quoted is exactly what it says. You've created an either/or scenario. Either I don't get that Metroid is a lonely experience or I just don't like it. However, it's not an either/or scenario.

          I like Metroid Prime. I get that it's a solitary experience.

          I do think that the scanning is a clumsy way of telling a story. My point since the very first post I made in this thread has been this - "Metroid Prime 3 could stand to lose scanning and still be Metroid Prime." It was an response to part of Matty's post that reads as follows - "you got rid of the scanning and made the controls more conventional, it wouldn't be Metroid any more." I think that's pretty clear but to nail the point home, let me point out that there are five Metroid games that don't have scanning. And that doesn't include Hunters.

          Going back over it now, it seems so simple. I'm not quite sure what has tripped you up.


            Originally posted by Dogg Thang
            Metroid Prime 3 could stand to lose scanning and still be Metroid Prime
            It could lose it, which is why it was optional. Now I don't understand why you cut down Fallow's you don't have to scan things comment.


              Okay, it's recap day on ntsc-uk.

              "Possibly one of the most pointless of cliches." That was my response to the words "no one's forcing you." On this one, my point was this -

              That's possibly one of the most pointless cliches.

              Unfortunately, I'm not sure how to word that any clearer for you. I feel I'm retreading the same ground but here goes. Saying you don't have to do something doesn't make the 'something' any better. At all. Nobody has to poke their own eyes out with spoons. That doesn't make poking your eyes out with a spoon a good option to give someone.

              My point is that simple. Saying 'nobody is forcing you' does not make the thing in question any better than it is. My response was to those words alone.

              Is it that my points are in fact too simple and you're reading more into them than is actually there? I do apologise for any lack of clarity - the purpose of my posts is not to antagonise. Actually, while I'm here I may as well apologise for having my Xmasified avatar in the middle of Jan. Haven't got around to replacing it yet.
              Last edited by Dogg Thang; 12-01-2007, 19:42.


                Personally I thought the scanning was a great way to find out more about the alien world you were in and the creatures within it, if you wanted to find out more about something you scanned it. It'd be great to have something like that in real life and it's not too hard to work out what you need to scan if you just want to progress. The only thing I didn't like about it was you had to scan everything to get 100% and having to scan the bosses before you fight them...


                  And the controls were fine, just took a bit of getting used to!

