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Horizontal & Vertical shooters

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    Horizontal & Vertical shooters


    This isnt a which is best thread just a bit of a weird question really...

    Lately I have been playing ALOT of Vertical shooters (Shikigami, Souky, EspGaluda etc.) & last night I was a tad bored & seeing as Bootmonster had sent me a nice new spangly Saturn scart cable with Audio out I thought I'd give it a bash & stuck G Darius on.

    I was dead within minutes
    Basically it appears I am now having trouble playing Horizontal shooters

    I think I have become so used to flying up the screen that going to the right was completley alien to me yesterday & I couldnt seem to do a thing

    So I was just wondering has anyone else been affected by the same thing or am I the only weirdo who cant move to the right of the screen anymiore?


    Nah, I can't play R-Type, Gradius or anything like that either. I'm ****ing ****e at em', however, fire up Espgaluda, Mushihimesama or Dodonpachi and I'm half-way decent.

    Last edited by Bleeders; 17-01-2007, 12:11.


      Hori>Vert IMO. Philosoma and Axelay, they be fun incorporating both styles in one.

      Perhaps it's called R-Type beacuse it's the "-Type" of shooter where you go to the "R-"ight all the time?
      Last edited by J0e Musashi; 17-01-2007, 12:13.
      Kept you waiting, huh?


        Originally posted by Bleeders View Post
        Nah, I can't play R-Type, Gradius or anything like that either. I'm ****ing ****e at em', however, fire up Espgaluda, Mushihimesama or Dodonpachi and I'm half-way decent.

        I'm deffinitley like you, I wouldnt go anywhere near calling myself good but I seem to do ok on the Verti's, can hold my own for the first couple of levels aftre that the bullet patterns all get a bit much

        I used to be quite good back at R-Type back in the day I'm actually far to scared to try it again now though



          i might be completly wrong here

          but it seems to me that enemy projectiles are faster in horizontal shooters and also the hit box of your ship is bigger

          most vertical shooters i have played are bullet fests like dodonpachi more projectiles but slower also your ships hit box is only a pixel normally


            Originally posted by eastyy View Post
            i might be completly wrong here

            but it seems to me that enemy projectiles are faster in horizontal shooters and also the hit box of your ship is bigger

            most vertical shooters i have played are bullet fests like dodonpachi more projectiles but slower also your ships hit box is only a pixel normally
            I think your right actually.

            I noticed it on G Darius last night, bullets I knew I would have dodged on Mushihimesama killed me easily.

            The hit boxes on Hori shooters are huge.

            I think I have become far too accustomed to tiny hit boxes & that "twitch" technique which serves you so well in a bullet hell shooter



              of course with my fav shooters like the cave ones and psyvariar 2 there is a risk/reward system basically you make it harder for your self

              dont know many horizontally scrolling shooters that have that (Apart from perhaps progear and maybe border down)

              i did play g-darius recently and it does feel like your ship is taking alot of the screen up

              i did assume playing these bullet hell shooters would make me better at horizontally scrolling games aswell..........i was wrong


                Recently went back to Gradius Advance. I was rubbish. Took me a while to get back into the swing of things. Unlike vert bullet hell, horizontal shooter tend to have enemies that come on screen and fire straight at you very fast.


                  Try some Psikyo verts, some of have smaller faster projectiles, compared to Cave style ones anyway.

                  i also have problems playing horizontal shooters, i know its me and not the bullet style though because of Progear


                    Oh right, so it's purely the orientation?


                      I have to say I prefer Hori to Vert.

                      I managed to get to level 6 on Gradius 5 with one life and yet can't even get off the first level of something like DoDonPachi or Mushihimesama without dying.

                      I think you be well be right in saying you get used to one direction...


                        perhaps if you played dodonpachi with the tv on its side might make things better




                            Hori>Vert for me.


                              Preference aside, I actually find that I dodge just as well in horis as I do verts. I'm not exactly hot ****, but I have a good amount of 1CCs under my belt in both orientations. It sounds to me as though most of you chaps would be fine and dandy if you toyed with finding the hitbox for a while (in verts and horis) before playing in earnest. As you know, your bullet-dodging can only really develope once you have a good feel for each game's hitbox placement.

                              Of course, in older shmups - particularly horis - it's often 90% of the sprite.
                              Last edited by Klatrymadon; 17-01-2007, 15:17.

