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Battlestations Midway MP demo

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    Battlestations Midway MP demo

    Tried this one out just now - a quick go turned into over an hour battle, with everyone dropping out apart from me and one other guy on the opposing team ... took a few minutes to get to grips with switching between your various ships/planes/airfields and shipyards but once you work them out its a charm

    for example, jumped to the airfield to launch a few dive bombers, then switched to a battleship i was using to attack his battleship, switched back to the dive bombers and set them to dive bomb that battleship, then switched to a sub that i had trailing him - let the bombs drop then fired a few torpedoes before raising up and finishing him off with my deck gun... bloody great

    can see this game being this year's Chromehounds - looking forward to the full game and getting into some battles with NTSC-uk peeps

    is this a simulation or a more action game ?


      its a rts combined with an action game - you can take control of any available unit whenever you want and play the game like its a ww2 vehicle shooter (vehicle being big ****ing ships and aircraft )


        I'm just hoping the single player game is decent - I've been following the game's development for years and the longer its gone on the more it sounds as if its geared towards multi-player/online.


          this wasn't on my radar till i watched the play through video and i was amazed at how awesome it looks

          i shall be on this tonight and hope it's good enough for a purchase


            Originally posted by chopemon View Post

            i hope it's good enough for a purchase
            Its not, its a steaming turd of a game.


              Care to elaborate?


                cool sounds a bit like that pc game battlezone


                  Originally posted by eastyy View Post
                  cool sounds a bit like that pc game battlezone
                  I was about to post the same!

                  What modes does it have? And I presume each player in a big match can jump about into whatever they want?


                    Originally posted by Jusatsushi View Post
                    Care to elaborate?
                    Ok, entered a game with agianst my friend over live. I sent out my Planes and ships, all units got blown up within 10 minutes. Left me with **** all to do but cycle through loocations of my base, waited 30 mins for the game to end, it didint end so i switched my 360 off and then back on and deleted the pishy game.

                    Can i have the 40 minutes of my life back please!!


                      in 30 minutes you couldn't work out that when you go to each of your bases and press the right bumper it brings up options for which units to send out next - airfields have 3 different types of aircraft (fighters, bombers and torpedoe planes), shipyards have a ****load (not even sure how many but i tried out a few battleships and submarines).

                      at airfields you can have 3 different units in the air at the same time, though you need to keep cycling their landing and launching so that they remain topped up with weapons and repaired - shipyards you can launch 2 different ships at once (not sure how many you can have active at any one time - i know you can have 6 air units active at once).

                      in over an hour game I was recycling units and sending in new units constantly - the aim of the battle was to destroy all the enemy bases so that they had no new units to send into the battle


                        I had a quick play on this and was really hoping for a Crimson Skies type dog fight fest. Sadly it seems more focussed on strategy and the dogfighting is pretty dull. The ship stuff is tedious in the extreme and there are so many buttons and controls to learn with absolutely no tutorial it took me a good 5 minutes just to figure out how to start.

                        Shame as I almost had this pre-ordered. What I would do for a proper Crimson Skies sequel...!


                          Sadly it seems more focussed on strategy and the dogfighting is pretty dull.
                          A game which has been designed, advertised, previewed etc etc etc as a new breed of RTS seems more focused on strategy ...

                          You do realise that RTS stands for Real Time Strategy don't you?


                            Originally posted by John Beaulieu View Post
                            A game which has been designed, advertised, previewed etc etc etc as a new breed of RTS seems more focused on strategy ...

                            You do realise that RTS stands for Real Time Strategy don't you?
                            Thanks for the sarcasm John.

                            Yes I knew it had strategic elements, I just didn't realise it was virtually the sole focus of the game. The videos I saw a while back were purely of dogfights.


                              I downloaded this and played it last night and you are right some pointers as to how to get started would have been handy but once sorted I really enjoyed this and it could be a blast on live with some mates, definitely a purchase for me!!

