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19th January - PAL UK Virtual Console releases

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    19th January - PAL UK Virtual Console releases

    19th January - PAL UK Virtual Console releases


    Originally posted by AllYourBase View Post

    Well I'm think that a good number of us imported SFII on the SFC a long time ago and paid 60-150 quid for it. (I paid 90 quid FFS!!)

    What I find amazing, is that all these years later, Nintendo release the game on the PAL wii, and it is at 50hz! Does that mean that PAL owners even get the old black boarders? Is the speed going to be 15% slower than an emu/NTSC version?

    I just can't see how games fans could possibly want to use the PAL wii for VC games, so can we have a thread/forum for NTSC releases please.



      I paid £90 as well for SF2 the first time around. Some of my mates had the PAL version but it was a real let down. I can't remember quite what happened (I think my import SNES broke) but in later years I ended up with a PAL SNES and SF2 Turbo, which aside from the borders didn't bother me at all because of the speed setting.

      PAL SF2 is too slow to really enjoy. It is a shame if it is true that Nintendo have just dumped the PAL rom but we didn't expect anything else did we? lol


        Even the NTSC version had borders, meaning the PAL verison had UNREAL borders. Proper letterbox-o-vision.

        The speed decrease was a real problem for me in this game more than any other due to the time critcal combos... I too paid 80 quid to play it on my SFC. When I came to play it on a friend's PAL snes, combos and timings were unbearably slow. I'll be leaving this well alone - especially as there's so many better versions going cheap.


          Its such a shame these are both 50hz otherwise i might have bought them. As it is i won't buy any games on VC that are 50hz only so i'm pretty much only buying PC Engine games.


            Originally posted by Vince View Post
            Its such a shame these are both 50hz otherwise i might have bought them. As it is i won't buy any games on VC that are 50hz only so i'm pretty much only buying PC Engine games.
            It's quite a tough place to be in. Sadly many of the readers who write into the VCA feel the same way.

            Sign the petition to get riddy of shoddy 50Hz PAL Virtual Console Games!

            Hopefully if enough people complain Nintendo will be forced to address the issue.

            Still I wouldn't let a slower speed put you off Probotector, it's still going to be a blast! (SF2 however!! hmmmmm)


              Nintendo really need to pull their finger out with this. You would not believe how many emails we get from irate PAL Wii owners.


                i don't really care that it's 50Hz tbh, my brother and i put hundreds of hours into this when it came out on the snes with no bother. combined with the couple of hori gamecube pads i have, this will be ace for the flat.


                  the very thing that got me into importing in the first place was shoddy conversions - when you have played the game as it was originally designed its hard to go back to playing the slower, bordered PAL version ... imo Nintendo have dropped the ball big time with their VC content upto now (why can't we purchase the US versions of the the VC content if its our desire?).

                  That said, this weeks releases are two of the big guns from the Snes period - though I would prefer them giving us big releases and some of the rarer stuff from the period in a single week (for example, SF2 and The Firemen would be a good mix)


                    i have f zero and dk country, and the boarders on them were fine, are these 2 as good ? or worse?



                      I've signed the petition and i do hope they sort out a 60hz option but i won't be surprised if they don't. The thing is i like the idea of the virtual console as it allows me to have all the classic console games i like in one place. I do have a Super Famicom, japanese Megadrive and PC Engine, so i can play alot of these games already but its the hassle of getting them out, setting up etc, whereas the Wii is permantly plugged in.

