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F-Zero (SNES)

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    F-Zero (SNES)

    Read the VCA F-Zero review!

    It's a sad to think Pal people won't get to play the game at its best. A game like this needs to run at 60hz. What a shame!


      Haha it was probably a mistake to bring our forum over to NTSC-UK! 50Hz issues aside F-Zero is still a classic and worth playing. Compared to F-Zero GX even this is a much more sedate affair. The tracks are purely designed for learning the optimum racing line.

      It's still a great game even after all these years it doesn't feel like it has aged that much to me. There's always that 'just one more go' factor when you want to beat your lap time.

      What is everyone's favourite tracks on F-Zero?


        This is one of the few classic games I just didn't 'get' at the time it was released, but I have to say I'm tempted to pick it up this time around and see if it grabs me. Love GX (And suck at it).


          Originally posted by AllYourBase View Post
          Haha it was probably a mistake to bring our forum over to NTSC-UK! 50Hz issues aside F-Zero is still a classic and worth playing. Compared to F-Zero GX even this is a much more sedate affair. The tracks are purely designed for learning the optimum racing line.

          It's still a great game even after all these years it doesn't feel like it has aged that much to me. There's always that 'just one more go' factor when you want to beat your lap time.

          What is everyone's favourite tracks on F-Zero?
          I personally like all the tracks, but if I have to choose, I'd say... Big Blue is a fave. I like the colours in this one, and the tune makes me smile. White Land is great too. It's a tough muther if you don't concentrate, but the pink and white graphics mixed with a superb tune, make it a fave.

          Fire Field is a great final track. All that lava, and mines on the track etc... It can be tough to win on the harder difficulty levels.

          I could go on about all the tracks, Death Wind etc... but then everyone would think I'm obsessed ( which I am )


            Big Blue is my fav, it just looks so cool. What's good about this game is the music is mostly great on every level. In replaying this game again for the first time in years and years I can say it's still got it. As you say it is tough to win on the harder settings!


              Originally posted by AllYourBase View Post
              Big Blue is my fav, it just looks so cool. What's good about this game is the music is mostly great on every level. In replaying this game again for the first time in years and years I can say it's still got it. As you say it is tough to win on the harder settings!
              Yeah... crisp clean visuals+catchy tunes+tight gameplay= AAA Classic!

              It's all the components working together that keep me hypnotised. Everyone goes on about the music, because it really is exceptional. The sound effects are great too. The whizzing sound the crafts make is superb.

              I'm always surprised at how well it still plays everytime I go back to it. I doubt it'll ever be a bad experience, simply because it's so abstract.


                Whoever designed Death Wind II and thought it would be fun to play, needs to be shot.

                Apart from that, I absolutely love this game. Got used to Fire Stingray and now I never change ship at all.


                  Loving this at the moment, my original copy deleted all my hard earned time trials off the cartridge.

                  Mute City has to be my favourite tune of all time. But Silence is my favourite track.

                  I still adore this game, I just don't think it ages at all and even the PAL version blips along at a good speed IMO.


                    Ban request for anyone saying '50hz' or '60hz' in the VC forums kplz!

                    I have absolutely no problem playing this on PAL, just as good as it's always been. Just cleared Queen Course master, now onto King, which I can't even finish on expert.

                    It's that bloody Death Wind II that gets me EVERY TIME.


                      Originally posted by Silvergun X View Post
                      Ban request for anyone saying '50hz' or '60hz' in the VC forums kplz!

                      I have absolutely no problem playing this on PAL, just as good as it's always been. Just cleared Queen Course master, now onto King, which I can't even finish on expert.

                      It's that bloody Death Wind II that gets me EVERY TIME.
                      Death Wind II is a bitch! lol

                      I think we are going to have to set up a 50Hz bitching thread to keep that talk out of each individual game discussion!


                        Sounds like a plan to me.

                        I mentioned this a while ago when the Wii Spot forum was up, but who's up for an old school F-Zero time trial thread?


                          Can I post the times off of my 16yr old PAL cart?


                            Finally managed to unlock 'Master' mode over the weekend. Whether I'll ever beat it, however, remains to be seen. I swear I've never come across a game that cheats as much as this. I like a challenge as much as anyone but, on expert, the game's just infuriating as every craft you come up to lap is intent on ramming you into the barriers yet allow the rest of the front runners through without problem. Drives me crazy.

