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Retro Gaming Licensing Issues & The VC

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    Retro Gaming Licensing Issues & The VC

    After getting an email asking about SNES games UN Squadron and NBA Jam, I got to thinking about the issues regarding retro games that are attached to licences.

    I'll copy and paste the reply I gave to this email:

    Originally posted by Me
    I'm not 100% sure but there may be some problems with Capcom re-releasing UN Squadron on the VC.

    The Japanese original is based on an anime series called Area 88. When
    the game was published in the West the name was changed but the
    character portraits remained the same, so I would guess that the game
    is still bound by the terms of the original licence, which I would
    imagine has long since run out.

    I couldn't say 100% for sure but it might mean that Capcom are unable
    to release the game (a similar situation to Nintendo's Goldeneye on
    the N64). If the situation changes we'll be sure to mention it on the

    As for NBA Jam - well Acclaim have recently gone bust, so your guess
    is as good as mine on that! I'm not sure who has bought up the Acclaim
    back catalogue (or if indeed anyone has) but again, NBA Jam was a
    licenced game, so that might fall foul of the same problems as stated
    It's something I hadn't really given that much thought to. We're all aware of the Goldeneye issue, and Nintendo have assured us that they're working on it, but that is a game that would be downloaded millions of times thanks to the fact that it's so popular - Nintendo have the incentive to make a deal work. But why would companies (such as Capcom, in the case of UN Squardon) renew potentially expensive licences just to release a VC game that will make them a tiny bit of money in the long run?

    To the best of my knowledge UN Sqaudron hasn't appeared on any Capcom retro pack (please correct me if I'm wrong).

    As for NBA Jam...what fate lies with games that come from dead publishers?

    I think it would be a big shame if certain classic games never see the light of day again due to these factors.


    This is why we will never see loads of games not make it to other countries.
    I can imagine loads of titles for PC-engine and I'm sure other unreleased games never were licensed and/or translated for the european market.

    Nintendo being the sticklers they are would probably rather release nothing than release and english only 60hz only US game.

    As for Goldeneye, I think Nintendo and MS should call a truce and release it on Live Marketplace and the VC.


      What all the major companies should do is get together and draw up a universal agreement for licenced commercial emulation. The likes of what Mame have achieved, regardless of legal complications, are by far the best way of archiving the past and getting it out to the masses.

      There's going to come a point where gaming destroys its own history if everyone doesn't get together to work up a plan where advances in emulation are supported rather than rejected. It isn't the same as film, music or books.

      One day all those Saturns, SNES', C64s, Spectrums etc. are going to simply stop working because of age. Wide and expansive emulation programs need to be legitmised if common sense on archiving is to prevail.


        I think its stupid you cant just use the exact same code from a game that was released on your own console AND published by you. Seriously!

        If it came out on live arcade and VC it'd rock but the 360 version would probs have Online support, no framerate issues and achievements.

        VC one would probs be identical to the n64 one.

        Im kinda annoyed by Nintendos "It's not broke dont fix it" attitude towards VC games.
        Cant they accept that most of us have an internet connection now (the ones buying the wii) and that we want to play our fave games online. And maybe get some new levels or something seeing as alot of us will be buying it for a 2nd time maybe 3rd/4th etc.

        Also I hope we start seeing free games with promotions, buying games, etc that they said about.
        Free Mario bros 3 download when you buy mario galaxy or something.
        Last edited by Ouenben; 19-01-2007, 19:05.

