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Edge - File #2

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    Edge - File #2

    Who picked this up?
    I just got it today, it incs reviews of the Saturn's launch line up plus DoomII.

    I got it a couple of weeks ago god knows why as the real ones are in my loft !


      I got it when it came out. Didn't find it quite as quaint as the first File but still worth a look. I'm finding it really interesting to read what Edge wrote around that time since I was still in the Super Play and NMS phase.


        EDGE seemed to be a much more grounded and coherent in their reviews back then. These days, alot of the time I think they are not reviewing a game justly, due to politics, or even worse a palatable bias console persepctive now emerging. Either that or they over mythologize a **** game thus yeilding innacurate scores.

        EDGE in the mid nineties was great, since I don't actually have the issues featured in FILE#2, redaing the reviews for Virtua Fighter/Sat and DoomII was a treat to behold. Alien Vs Predator/Jag only got 4/10! Ouch, bet Atari did not like that one.
        Last edited by DANGEROUS; 22-01-2007, 05:46.

