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Virtual Console games - new features?

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    Virtual Console games - new features?

    Just wondering, do any of the VC games have any extra features from the originals? Online modes, etc?

    Or have Nintendo said they plan on doing this with any of the games?

    Nope, just the ROM for £6!



      It really would make sense.

      Would love to see some online Secret of Mana, or dual analogue control for Goldeneye (if they ever release it).


        I know someone high up at Nintendo did say this was a possibility but I think it was just idle speculation at best, or PR spin at worst. I can't see that there'd be enough money in it for one thing, when you consider the minefield of legal and technical problems it would throw up, not to mention that they'd be competing against their own new games. Imagine if they released a version of the original Super Mario Kart with an online mode for isntance - there'd be no incentive to buy the DS version or inevitable Wii update for that matter.


          Originally posted by MattyD View Post
          Imagine if they released a version of the original Super Mario Kart with an online mode for isntance - there'd be no incentive to buy the DS version or inevitable Wii update for that matter.
          That's crazy talk. I would still enjoy playing a new version of Mario Kart on the Wii even if the SNES version was given wifi features. It would compliment the DS game not detract from it.


            It is a shame as (and I know I don't speak for everyone) but i'll own so many of the games that are released and having them all in one place doesn't make it worth forking out £6 odd quid for them.

            Anyway I don't want this to come of as trolling, so i'll leave it at that.


              Originally posted by Champloo View Post
              Just wondering, do any of the VC games have any extra features from the originals? Online modes, etc?
              At least Wii's system manual clearly states that some VC games will have "Update" button. Of course it could be for just fix bugs, but manual also says that your save state won't possibly work anymore. This would hint that roms can be also patched to give new functionality. If you do bug fix, it will be done on emulator, not rom.


                I read that this wouldn't be possible in most cases, because for many old games, the source code is either lost, incomplete, or 'decayed' - ie, the code is outdated to the point that modern programmers can no longer read or understand it. This makes integrating new stuff a massive hassle.

