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Mario Kart 64 - N64

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    Mario Kart 64 - N64

    Read the review for Mario Kart 64 - N64

    Sorry we're so late to the party today! We've just finally got the new domain sorted out!! Business as usual from now on!

    Now opinions on the game! Was Duddy hard on it??!

    Yes. IMO, MK64 is a better all round game than the SFC classic as the racing was more fun, required more skill and was more intense. The battle mode didn't work as well but you can't have everything.


      Originally posted by Richard.John View Post
      Yes. IMO, MK64 is a better all round game than the SFC classic as the racing was more fun, required more skill and was more intense. The battle mode didn't work as well but you can't have everything.
      I think the whole having upto 4 people made the multiplayer in the N64 one instantly superior, not to mention the lovable stages like block fort and that dohnut lava level.

      however theres one snag with the items... the blue shell.
      Why Nintendo? Why?


        Mario Kart 64 is the best entry into the series and trumps the SNES version in every possible way. BELIEVE IT.

        I'll be downloading it as soon as I get my wii.


          It's a grower. Multiplayer on Wario Stadium is legend.


            Originally posted by Light View Post
            Mario Kart 64 is the best entry into the series and trumps the SNES version in every possible way. BELIEVE IT.
            Originally posted by Richard.John View Post
            Yes. IMO, MK64 is a better all round game than the SFC classic as the racing was more fun, required more skill and was more intense. The battle mode didn't work as well but you can't have everything.
            Wrong on both counts, imo!

            MK64 may have bettered SMK for sound and graphics, but MK64 lacked SMK's balanced gameplay. Power-ups won the day over driving skill in MK64 - no Mario Kart game should EVER be like that, surely? Also, the 1P Mode was easily finished within a day (if not half a day) and the less said about MK64's battle mode the better, quite frankly. Also, the excess of track shortcuts in MK64 (a few of them in-game bugs and/or glitches) cheapened the courses to some extent.

            That said, the multiplayer racing in MK64 was superb. Full credit to the game for being enjoyable despite being obviously flawed, but the best MK game? I don't think so somehow. I would personally say that Mario Kart DS and Mario Kart Advance at least equal to MK64...
            Last edited by Nu-Eclipse; 27-01-2007, 13:48.


              As far as Mario Kart games go, the SNES version was better, and as far as N64 kart racers go, Diddy Kong Racing was better. I never understood the love for this game, the sprites look terrible and mean it's hard to determine exactly what way your kart is facing and i guess as a result of this, the handling is dire. Not to mention the uber cheating AI and cheap items.


                It was my first N64 game, along with Mario 64 and is the game that got me into Mario Kart (probably my favourite game series). I played the SNES version a year or so later - still fantastic but not quite on par with 64.

                The point made about shortcuts is a good one though - if someone knows the best way around the track they are immediately at a HUGE advantage over someone that doesn't.

                That said, my personal favourite of the series is the Gamecube version so what do I know!


                  Originally posted by cutmymilk View Post
                  That said, my personal favourite of the series is the Gamecube version so what do I know!
                  I think we have firmly established not a lot! hahahaha

                  (kidding - each to their own!)


                    Indeed. Read the opening paragraph to my Mario Kart Cube and DS reviews on this site and I think you'll probably nod your head in agreement. It's a very marmite series... everyone has their favourite and can't believe that others don't agree so
                    Lie with passion and be forever damned...


                      really class, , but why are all the cups and cc's already unlocked?


                        Originally posted by cutmymilk View Post
                        That said, my personal favourite of the series is the Gamecube version so what do I know!
                        Wow, I'm not alone!


                          Real life Karting takes place on a narrow track, and at a fairly fast pace. It's quite an intense experience.

                          The only Mario Kart that gives me a true Karting feeling is the original snes game. Race on the ghost-house at 150cc, and take that short-cut, and you will feel the rush.

                          The N64 version was a major let-down for me. It never gave me an adrenaline rush, or got me excited much at all.

                          The eye-candy was there, but it didn't look like a Karting game anymore. You can't really put Karts on roads and long big tracks, and get that tight racing experience.

                          I've always dreamed of a new version of the snes game, but with modern visuals.

                          The N64 game gets a thumbs-down from me. The multi-player isn't very good too.


                            I dont think Mario Kart is meant to represent the real life sport now is it.


                              im entering a local mario kart 64 competition on wednesday, getting the projector setup, should be awsome, ill let you know when i win

