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Vigilante (PC Engine / TG-16)

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    Vigilante (PC Engine / TG-16)

    Read the VCA Vigilante review!

    Arghhh, you've done it again. I swear this had 4 stars before I downloaded it and now it's only got three. Your messing with my mind!


      Haha I confess we did revise this one slightly as well as TJ&E! It's a good game but lacks longevity!

      In case you are wondering our scores don't change day to day depending on our mood, we are just trying to be 'a little harder' on games from now on and this was just another one of the casualties of the revolution!
      Last edited by AllYourBase; 16-02-2007, 18:30.


        I'm all for revolution, but I just need to check one thing:

        Now that the revolution has started, are your reviews going to be a 'little harder' right from the start, or can we expect the reviews to be ammended like this in the future?

        I just need to know as I am keen to try out new gaming experiences and your site is the closest thing I have got to trying before buying. I'll still keep visiting your site whatever the answer, your answer will just determine whether I download games on the day they are released, or whether I wait a couple of weeks for the review score to 'settle down'.



          From now on we're going to try and be a little harder from the start. 3 stars is still not a bad rating if you think of it as average, we're going to try and use it more often so you know when something does get 4 or 5 stars then it is really worth considering if you are on the fence.

          Apologies if this has been a little confusing but it's something we're hashing out along the way. In a sea of average games Vigilante stands out and could easily be worth 4 stars. However so far the standard of games on the VC has been pretty high so I think it's only right to be that bit more strict with the scores so we're not sending the signal out for games to just download everything!

