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Super Mario World - SNES

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    Why would that be a mistake? That's exactly the same config as it was on the SNES pad...


      Originally posted by Extra Terrestrial View Post
      Why is the (Classic Controller) button configuration as it is?

      B to jump
      Y (hold down) to run

      That is some mistake, surely?
      No because it's the same as the SNES layout which worked perfectly.


        Yeah, makes sense on the SNES/Classic controller, pain in the ass for the Cube pad. Looks like I may need to add another game pad to the pile.


          words can not describe this game... it is literally the best Mario game ever!!!


            Originally posted by Ouenben View Post
            No because it's the same as the SNES layout which worked perfectly.
            maybe by letter, but not by layout.

            the only problem with using a cube controller on the vc is that have mapped the buttons wrong, if they switched them around they'd be fine. i use a cube controller for platformers on zsnes and it's great.


              Originally posted by Roddie View Post
              maybe by letter, but not by layout.
              Crossed wires there, most (All?) of the people that are stating that they're perfect are saying so because of the standard diamond layout on the wonderful classic controller.

              Worth picking up if you're thinking of using the VC for 2D games at all, it really is a wonderful bit of kit. And only ~?15 too!


                Originally posted by Roddie View Post
                maybe by letter, but not by layout.

                the only problem with using a cube controller on the vc is that have mapped the buttons wrong, if they switched them around they'd be fine. i use a cube controller for platformers on zsnes and it's great.
                sorry i was talking about the classic controller


                  plus the d pad on the classic is very very good indeed one of the best digital d pads in a very very long time


                    Is anyone else having problems getting SMW running through Component ?
                    I had no problems with Ristar and thats 50 htz isn't it ?


                      all my games work fine in component, I have a usa wii


                        Originally posted by Ouenben View Post
                        all my games work fine in component, I have a usa wii
                        thanks for that mate


                          im using component on a pal wii no problems whatsoever, however a freind of mine has a pal wii a new model samsung hd tv, and he cannot get mario to work via component, but other games like mario kart work fine.


                            Originally posted by yesteryeargames View Post
                            im using component on a pal wii no problems whatsoever, however a freind of mine has a pal wii a new model samsung hd tv, and he cannot get mario to work via component, but other games like mario kart work fine.
                            bugger mines a Samsung as well, switching cables is a pain in the arse


                              running my PAL wii through component with a samsung
                              no probs at all
                              SMW as well as a load of other VC games


                                ****ed here

