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Paperboy (360 XBLA)

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    Paperboy (360 XBLA)

    I never got into the original that much for some reason, but the XBLA version is exactly as it should be, sure you won't be disappointed

    Direct port graphically etc iirc, quality handling but a bit more difficult than I remember tbh.

    An essential buy in my opinion.

    I used to love* the little obstacle course at the end of every road.

    Last edited by jimmbob; 14-02-2007, 09:00. Reason: obstacle or assault? I don't know...


      I had a go on Paperboy the other day on that Williams arcade collection on the Xbox. I found it far too frustrating, but also slightly addictive.


        Very good port. I like how they've left it exactly as is, even the muffled speech.

        Quite addictive and there's a bit of variety to the achievements, which look very do-able.


          Yes achievements should be quite do-able, even the co-op ones.

          Agree with you Jimmie2k, training course is a pain in the ass.
          Blooming drains seem OK to ride over sometimes, and other times not, what's going on there ?


            How many points is it?



              There's loads of people playing it right now, MS must realise 400 point pricing is a winner with everyone, plus of course it being Paperboy helps a little


                That is a bit of a bargain, might get it now!


                  I absolutely loved this game on the Mega Drive so I may just pick it up since your saying its good. How many points? 400?

                  Oops, too late!


                    Originally posted by DavidHolliss View Post
                    Yes achievements should be quite do-able, even the co-op ones.
                    The "Smasher" one seems the hardest.

                    (Break 30 windows in one day during co-op)


                      Treated myself to it since I've not bought a game since New Rally X. It's an old fave though I'm sure it used to be easier to hit the mailboxes.

                      Playing on Live has been extremely choppy though, to the point of being unplayable.

                      EDIT: My bad, it didn't like working at the same time as (not maxed out at all) torrents.
                      Last edited by stainboy; 14-02-2007, 13:22.


                        Earning the perfect delivery achievement grants you a gamerpic. I shall wear mine with pride (even though it looks a bit naff..)


                          I have delivered 7 newspapers at least twice now on hard street in the same day and not been given the acheivement. Anyone managed to get it yet?


                            I've not managed it but a few folks on my friends list have it, so it must be possible.

                            Nice walk down memory lane this, does show you how tough old games used to be though

