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What do you imagine the next <insert loved game> to be like?

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    What do you imagine the next <insert loved game> to be like?

    I often wonder what a new version (with new-fangled next-gen'ness') of some of my most beloved games would be like... what technological, as well as other, advances would allow for in the current gaming landscape.

    For example, lately i've been thinking about what a new Rez game would be like... what would I expect it to be like, what could it be, what elements would it keep from the original and how would it be new and fresh? I for one would simply expect a similarly on-rails experience for another Rez but with truly 3D/surround sound using 'holographic' sound tech (and perhaps some new upgradable forms/avatars). In many ways these thoughts help me to greater appreciate the existing game as much as providing exercise for my creative tendencies.

    How about the rest of you: what do those of you love love Rez expect a sequel to be? Also, what other games do you love and wonder about in terms of sequels (the next Team Ico project for example)?
    Last edited by suicidepirate; 19-02-2007, 10:57.

    Wii Rez would be awesome, the vibe feedback and sound from the controller together could add to it no end. Perhaps using the tilt of the controller to change the pitch of the notes as shots rain in.


      I would like to see a follow up to Rez that harks back to the original footage shown when the original was in the early stages of development. For those who never saw that footage your avatar was seen running along the ground with some pretty slick camera work.
      Why not update the game with a sort parkour element but implemented like Sonic on the Wii. Otherwise keep the music and shooting stuff exactly as it was. And draft in Jeff Minter to provide the visuals.


        I'm looking forward to the next WipEout being better than the PS2 version, but surely that's a given.
        Next-Gen power should provide greater draw distance and trackside detail, not too fussed on it being crazy fast, but if it is I expect better control response to compensate. I'd like to see additonal control schemes using both analogue sticks in opposition f'r instance.
        In-cockpit POV would be a blast and is surely possible given all that power of the PS3

        I'm looking forward to the next TT Superbike being better than the PS2 version, but surely that's a given.
        Next-Gen power should provide greater draw distance and roadside detail, not too fussed on it being crazy fast, but if it is I expect better control response to compensate. I also expect better brakes this time around. Games like this should include a slo-mo mode. I'm thinking F355 here where the sense of speed didn't match the speedo reading for sure, but you still lost it the corners easily enough. Let us use this mode to 'learn' the best line around the Isle o' Man before moving up to the realtime superfastness. Oi Oi. Let's see F355 Challenge for Next-Gen.

        ....and will someone please get round to giving us Outcast II who's art direction could rival Oblivion for sheer beauty on Next-Gen hardware.


          give me the ultimate 2d fighting game hi res with incredible amounts of detail and animation

          and the same attention on the back grounds


            I'm incredibly shallow. My favourite gaming franchises are just that for a reason, so all I want to see is the gameplay intact (With perhaps a tweak or two) and the most incredible visuals ever, with perhaps some physics improvements too.

            Candidates for that makeover would be:
            • God of War 3 (Come on, look at what the PS2 pushes out - this would be incredible)
            • Burnout 6 (Just Burnout 2 with awesome graphics and handling please - NO ****ING TAKEDOWNS!)
            • That new Team ICO game (Both of the previous games were, I think it's fair to say, held back by the limitations of the console)

            Yeah, that covers it. </graphicswhore>

            Being very much a traditionalist in terms of game structure, I can't see how the Wii/DS would bring anything special to my favourites. Although I am very much looking forward to SSX Blur.


              a decent Namco arcade collection

              or Splatterhouse collection


                Originally posted by eastyy View Post
                give me the ultimate 2d fighting game hi res with incredible amounts of detail and animation

                and the same attention on the back grounds
                I could agree with you more. A new Street Fighter with eye burning graphics.


                  Can I get Thief done properly, please?



                    Originally posted by Magnakai View Post
                    Can I get Thief done properly, please?

                    Hehe, unfortunately this isn't a wish list/request thread :P

                    Seriously though, feel free to expand - what would Thief done "properly" involve for you?


                      I dunno about magnakai, but I thought Thief was awesome....

                      .. until the first level ended and I was plonked in some mines with the undead.....


                        Originally posted by eastyy View Post
                        give me the ultimate 2d fighting game hi res with incredible amounts of detail and animation

                        and the same attention on the back grounds
                        Along the same lines, Bare Knuckle/Streets of Rage 4 with everything in glorious 2D.


                          Originally posted by Ian(not Ian) View Post
                          I'm looking forward to the next WipEout being better than the PS2 version, but surely that's a given.
                          Next-Gen power should provide greater draw distance and trackside detail, not too fussed on it being crazy fast, but if it is I expect better control response to compensate. I'd like to see additonal control schemes using both analogue sticks in opposition f'r instance.
                          In-cockpit POV would be a blast and is surely possible given all that power of the PS3
                          I'm interested in whether they can use the sixaxis properly for this, to get away from just holding X to accelerate, or shoulder buttons to brake. But other than that I just see more fo the same. Not that that's a terrible thing.


                            Originally posted by suicidepirate View Post
                            Hehe, unfortunately this isn't a wish list/request thread :P

                            Seriously though, feel free to expand - what would Thief done "properly" involve for you?
                            I know, I'd love it if loads of game devs were feverishly working round the clock to perfect their masterpieces based of our inane spoutings.

                            The perfect Thief for me would contain the eerie, tense atmospheres of the first game with the extreme polish of it's sequel, and the feeling of a living breathing city that was the lifeblood of the initial two games.

                            The brave attempt at building the city in the third game was a bit ahead of the technology they ended up using, and it felt far more like a small hub than the exciting playground that had been previously teased at. Anyone who's played the Thief 2 mission Angel Watch will know what I mean. The first half of the level is a stunning rooftop approach to a huge tower, looming in the distance.

                            If they could successfully blend this sort of freeform skullduggery with the tightly packed missions from the first game, with a touch of the threequel's refinement and no stupid, glaring problems and only a light brush of zombie hunting at the very most... then I'd be a very, very happy boy.
                            Ooh, and give me more of those delicious illustrated cutscenes too. Those were superb.

                            Garret's just such a good character... he deserves more love!


                              Levine basically confirmed there would be no more Thief games (in the near future) during a recent podcast. Sorry. :/

