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VC Problems.. Is it just me?!?!?!

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    VC Problems.. Is it just me?!?!?!

    Is it just me and my Wii needs returning?

    I've had no problems with it and love it! Play as much as my Wife lets me!

    Been playing alot of VC games mainly.. Which is probley sad but hey Nothing out atm tickles my fancy since Zelda.

    But after months of waiting to go up and see my parents and all my 3 brothers in Spalding for a multiplayer session we was hit by a brick of upset.

    Once Mario KArt 64 was released I was so dam excited to crack 4 player on with with my brothers when I go up and see them.

    So.. I got my 2 wii motes and classic controllers and bunbled them in a bag, went up there with my Wife and my fellow brother and his wife.

    He took 2 Cube pads.
    We set up and chose 4 player, started the face to be greeted by mega poor Framerates or if not framerate issues some sort of slow down.
    I reset the console and tried single player and Wii games and they run fine.

    But MK64 4 player was jerking and had such bad issues it was bad to even race without falling off or having fun.
    Is this the cause and affect of classics being Emued?

    IS my wii buggerd?

    Is this not meant to happen?
    Our 4 player session ended short, after it really was a strain to play in a jerky way.

    Whats your thoughts?

    Originally posted by WazMeister View Post
    But MK64 4 player was jerking and had such bad issues it was bad to even race without falling off or having fun.
    Is this the cause and affect of classics being Emued?
    It's perfectly normal. MK64's 4-player mode was bad, really, really bad framerate wise. I even wondered why it was so, when I played MK64 for first time many years ago.


      everyone rated it here to be the best multiplayer game can be with sluggish framerate?

      Not fixed for a wii?


        There's an update out, although no idea what it does.


          Originally posted by Myth View Post
          There's an update out, although no idea what it does.
          It fixes random crashes on selection screen.


            Piece of **** I thought it would add the ghost support for TT. I've got a 1GB SD card in there ffs let me fill it with ghosts - the only part of MK64 I was interested in

            If F-Zero is the same (64 one) they've screwed up Baaaaaad.




                Yeah, there's really no excuse why saving ghosts shouldn't be an option. It's our memory and we should be able to do what we like with it.

