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Post-GDC. Are Sony turning it around?

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    Originally posted by EvilBoris View Post
    DOA4 had no "lag" issues.

    I found DOA4 unplayable online, the lag was atrocious.


      DOA4 used Symetrical data syncing (or something) same as Crackdown uses, same as Army of 2 will use, so it didn't have any lag as nothing was predicted, each frame of animation/input was syncronised between connections, so nobody had any advantage over the other.

      If you had a solid connection and your opponent had a solid connection then the game would run pretty much flawlessly.

      Basically "Lag" which is caused by the client running behind the host cannot happen as their is no host/client situation.
      Last edited by EvilBoris; 19-03-2007, 22:05.


        Originally posted by EvilBoris View Post
        DOA4 used Symetrical data syncing (or something) same as Crackdown uses, same as Army of 2 will use, so it didn't have any lag as nothing was predicted, each frame of animation/input was syncronised between connections, so nobody had any advantage over the other.
        You will still get lag, as there is a delay while everything syncing. Evens out the playing field, but in the case of DOA4 just made everyone equally laggy.

        Guess it's going to be very difficult to overcome in games where split second reactions are the norm. Even a twitch fps such as quake 3 has nothing on the timing and input required in a fighter.


          There's that whole debate as to whether ****ty online play (with the occasional passable game if you get a good connection) is better than none at all. Personally I don't think it'd hurt a game as niche as VF5 since it's based on competition and I don't know anyone who'd want to meet up and play with any regularity, but I understand their reasoning.


            I thought I heard 360 version of VF5 would be online compatible..


              It'll probably support online leaderboards and stuff. No online play, though.


                If you stick to small lobbies and play with people with good connections, DOA4 is great online.

                I've played matches to people who live near by that have been virtually indistinguishable to playing on the same machine.

