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Worms XBLA (360)

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    Worms XBLA (360)

    No topic for this?
    Been playing this loads recently!


    -It's 2D Worms! Still top addictive stuff.
    -Cool extra stuff like Challenge mode etc, packed w/ achievements
    -Has online

    -The 50Meg limit of Live Arcade.... Only 3 terrain types, only a few differenc voice packs, key weapons missing.

    I'm told this is a port of the PSP one... dunnno, never played it.

    This is still a great game, but if there was ever an example of the 50Meg limit crippling the game, this is it.

    "where is the bungee rope?!"

    I love it. Although I am poo at it. Been trying to master the rope. Launch > swing > release > launch etc (without hitting the ground).


      Adore it but I'm deeply concerned. It's such a partial release they could absolutely rape us for DLC.

      Voice packs...

      Weapon packs...

      Map packs...

      I pray they do the decent thing.

      But seriously, the weapons are so minimal


        I think it's actually based on the Amiga version.


          Visually it looks like Worms 2...I just assumed they ripped all the weapons and maps from that and released it, so to speak.


            Originally posted by Paulos G View Post
            I think it's actually based on the Amiga version.
            It's absolutely nothing like it though o_O

            It's Worms2/Armageddon/World Party style graphically.


              I'd bet money that the Holy Hand Grenade was removed because it could insult religious folk, and the Baseball Bat on similar moral high ground.

              The fact the download is 43mb means they had plenty of room for more weapons.


                Theres no way they left out the weapons out to fit under the limit. The weapons would be tiny and they had 8mb space available.


                  Originally posted by Ciaran View Post
                  Theres no way they left out the weapons out to fit under the limit. The weapons would be tiny and they had 8mb space available.
                  They left out the weapons, in my humble opinion so they could add them back in at a later date when there is no arcade title released on a wednesday, and for a price.


                    I'd say its more likely they left them out cause its pretty much a straight port from the PSP version of worms. It has all the same weapons, weapon effects and menu's.


                      Finished the game today, completing all challenges and getting the last achievement for that too!

                      Great wee game, and a bargain for the price. And its absolutely hilarious on Live. Dunno why a topic for this wasn't created sooner!


                        I`ve been loving Worms too.

                        Just need the 25,000 points of damage achievement and that`s me sorted. I was more than happy splashing out some points for this one but I`m a bit pissed off that the bungee is missing, that was one of my fave weapons in the Worms games.

                        I was playing something a few days ago and turned it off around midnight, I thought "I`ll just have a quick fo of Worms before bed" and it was 5.30am when I turned it off!! Class game!


                          Yep, you keep saying 1 more game, but 1 more game turns into 2 which turns into 22!


                            Had a strange bug where the replay didn't replay what actually happened. It was a double death involving the banana bomb which turned into a double drowning on replay. Weird.


                              Originally posted by Welrain View Post
                              Had a strange bug where the replay didn't replay what actually happened. It was a double death involving the banana bomb which turned into a double drowning on replay. Weird.
                              I'm sure this has been evident in a past version/s of the title too. I remember coming across it in the very first one I think.
                              Last edited by hudson; 15-03-2007, 21:03.

