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Are Nintendo becoming more aggresive?

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    Are Nintendo becoming more aggresive?

    Just saw this outside HMV, 1 day before PS3 launch. An outside Wii demo kiosk!

    I saw one of these in nottingham a few weeks back outside game on a sunny weekday on one of the main shopping streets. Had a nice little crowd arround it of intrested workers on their lunch breaks. I was quite impressed, kudos to Nintendo for going for it.


      How do they stop people legging it with a controller or god-forbid, the kiosk? Presumably it's bolted to the pavement - ?


        Yeah we had one in Derby last week, bit of a pain really as it was quite near our store. People assumed it was advertising the fact that Gamestation had Wii's in, and we had to explain it was nothing to do with us and that we had no Wii's in, to the chorus of 'Well why advertise them then?'

        Last edited by Pookmunki; 22-03-2007, 16:10.


          To increase the 'I want that console' factor of course!! lol. It is something different from nintendo i cant remeber the last time i saw a nintendo unit on display in a store never mid on the street outside. Its promising that this time round they are really getting people behind the console which is making the Wii more appealing to devs as the user base is already astounding. I just want to see more RPG's being announced.

          Oh and i bet at least one person has ran away with the controller!


            Originally posted by kurosaki7 View Post
            Oh and i bet at least one person has ran away with the controller!
            Well, he tried but a dude in a Mario suit jumped out from the behind the demo pod, tasered him and dragged him off round back to make him yoshi's bitch.


              They had a Wii kiosk at Bluewater over last weekend aswell.

              Was out with the girlfriend at the time and proceeded to beat her 40-0, twice, infront of a crowd.

              Didn't win me any points with HER, but it was fun nonetheless.


                I've still yet to see a Wii or PS3 in person yet. Up there with the times and all that. :P


                  If nintendo really wanted to be aggressive, they could try releasing a few Wiis! It's been out for about 5 years now and I'm still to get my hands on one!


                    Originally posted by jimmie2k View Post
                    If nintendo really wanted to be aggressive, they could try releasing a few Wiis! It's been out for about 5 years now and I'm still to get my hands on one!
                    You're just not trying hard enough. My wife got one for her brother 3 days after he mentioned he wanted one. Just ring Game shops first thing each day and ask if they have a shipment coming in. If they do then ask them to keep one. If not ring the next day. It won't take you long.


                      Originally posted by NecronomiconUK View Post
                      Well, he tried but a dude in a Mario suit jumped out from the behind the demo pod, tasered him and dragged him off round back to make him yoshi's bitch.
                      He's MY WIFE now !!!


                        If Nintendo truly wanted to be aggressive they'd start courting third-parties to produce more and focus less on lazy ports.

