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Wii Points coming soon to stars catalogue?

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    Wii Points coming soon to stars catalogue?

    Hey, whilst makin g a daily visit to the site to get my free 5 points I looked at the stars catalogue which has an entry for 1000 Wii points, but says Astrid Test Below ? I have tried it outof curiosity as I've so far been too mean to purchase anything from the VC. just thought you'd like to know Will update after I check my Wii

    *edit* It seems they have been removed :P oh well, if they are testing it surely it will come along soon?

    The cost for 1000 Wii points was 789 stars, fyi
    Last edited by Guest; 23-03-2007, 18:43.

    Surely that's a placeholder stars cost?

    Far too random to be real.

    Perhaps I can purchase a 60hz mode for VC with my stars (sorry )


      I bought some of these points and I cant bloody get to them!



        I wish they'd put some cool merchandise up there or something. I've got 5000+ stars sitting around doing nothing right now.


          i've got 9000 worth


            I tried to go onto Nintendo Europe's website today and it's not working.

            then I get an email from [email protected] saying:

            This message from Nintendo of Europe is to give you some STARS!!!!

            Please click on the link below to receive your stars.


            If you have received this message in error, please delete it. You will receive no further correspondence from Nintendo.

            Please do not reply to this message.
            Sounds phishy to me.

            So I checked out and it's apparently an ad agency working for NOE:

            Recently, Blast Radius has worked with Nintendo of Europe to develop a relationship-marketing platform and new web presence, Other recent collaborations include the relaunch of Nintendo of America's flagship website, the development of, and the launch of, which linked the worldwide online campaigns of Nintendo of America, Nintendo of Canada, and Nintendo of Europe.
            Maybe they finally started to give up the stars for VC downloads then?
            Last edited by MattyD; 26-03-2007, 13:55.


              I saw this and purchased 1000 wii points for 789 stars (random figure there). The wii points showed up in my 'purchased items' area on Friday, but now they've been replaced by '--'.

              My 789 stars points are still missing, however.


                Anyone know if I the points I buy will work on an American Wii?

                I'm guessing not.


                  If you mean buying points by the stars promotion, then no. Stars is an exclusive thing for Uk and Ireland customers.


                    Originally posted by Duddyroar View Post
                    I saw this and purchased 1000 wii points for 789 stars (random figure there). The wii points showed up in my 'purchased items' area on Friday, but now they've been replaced by '--'.

                    My 789 stars points are still missing, however.
                    I saw that as well, didn't bother though since I don't have a wii.


                      789 is surely random, I mean they're next to each other on the keyboard!


                        LOL, just got this:

                        Dear Nintendo fan,

                        Last Friday we have been running internal tests in the Stars Catalogue on our website. Unfortunately, because of a mistake during the testing phase, the Wii Points item accidentally appeared on the website between 4pm and 8pm.

                        We noticed that you have accessed the Stars Catalogue during this testing period, and that you spent 789 Stars on the item, without getting any Wii Points in return.

                        First of all, we want to apologise for any inconvenience caused.

                        This item is not available in the Stars Catalogue, and the price of 789 stars used during the testing period was entirely random.

                        However, we understand that this may have caused a disappointment. So, as we know how committed you are to Nintendo - and given the exceptional circumstances - we decided to electronically send you 1000 Wii points, if you'd like that. In case you do not want to get these Wii Points, we will of course reimburse the amount of Stars you spent.

                        Please allow us some time to properly prepare the opportunity for you to choose between Wii Points or Stars. You will receive a follow-up email from us soon, so please keep an eye on your inbox.

                        Thanks again for your understanding,

                        Best regards,
                        Your Nintendo team


                          I wish they'd hurry up and at least announce something


                            I got the email too duddy it is good they are going to honour it at least.


                              I think they should give duddy free wii points anyway because of the the virtual console archive.

