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Gaming Diaries / Blogs

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    Gaming Diaries / Blogs

    Anyone else keep a gaming diary / blog?

    Mines here:

    Its simply like a first play thread with a few other bits and bobs about my gaming hobby thrown it. Mines relatively new and since I don't get to play games so often anymore not updated as often as it should be.

    I've come across a few others which are interesting:

    I want to try and keep track of which games I'm playing. I hope this will encourage me to complete more games, rather than simply buy more and more to try them. I'm not sure if it'll work.

    Anyone else?

    Nah, I don''t have the time or the patience to do this. If I did, there would still only be an update every two months, along the lines of...

    "Played Lumines last night on the train home. Usually a worry that I might get mugged or something, but GOOD FORTUNE!! Some dude sitting a few seats down was carrying a newly purchased PS3, and was taking all the heat. And I still suck at this game after all this time. =o"


      The only blog's I'd consider reading would be developers.
      It kind of says to me "My life in video games is boring, what are other people playing?"


        News, reviews, ramblings and anecdotes from the world of pop culture. Includes console and video games, movies, DVDs, music and a whole lot more


          Less typing, more playing.


            You can set up your own gaming blog on 1up if you like. It even allows you to set up your own club(s) on it.


              Originally posted by Yoshimax-UK View Post
              Less typing, more playing.
              Yeah, let someone else do all the work


                I keep one at I don't make as big a thing as I used to about it but I still post impressions of stuff I've played or seen on there. Wouldn't mind any extra traffic
                Last edited by NekoFever; 25-03-2007, 19:09.


                  extra traffic wasn't really the intention....

                  I will bookmark and read nekofever later. Looks interesting.

                  The blogs are really like an extended first play thread, which I find very interesting.


                    Got one over here, updated occasionally.


                      I have one (link is in my profile), always meant to do more 'serious' posts, but I get bored pretty quickly, or think whatever I've just typed is awful and end up deleting it and then going to do something else.

