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US Virtual Console - 26th March

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    US Virtual Console - 26th March

    Oh dear!

    US VC Releases - 25th March - RoTK IV

    OK so it's not such a bad game but people are clearly not going to be happy!! lol

    nintendo truly have been trumped by microsoft for the past few weeks, Castlevania SOTN and Jetpac refuelled, in HD or some old games that werent very good in the first place, They have such a great back catologue why not let us have some of it, it dosent make sense


      Was this game ever released in Europe? Because if it crops up on the EU VC, I'd consider downloading it because I've always been meaning to try this series out at least once.


        From a personal point of view, I'm not bothered about the lack of VC titles this week as I still have some left to finish off (Castlevania, Contra) - as long as it doesn't become the norm.


          Originally posted by arcnas View Post
          They have such a great back catologue why not let us have some of it, it dosent make sense
          That's what makes it so tragic and unforgiveable.

          I don't mind the odd week of poor releases, they give me a little time to devote to the 360, but it already feels it's becoming something of a habit.


            I will certainly be on my 360 this week and not my Wii, with Castlevania to finsih and jetpac refulelled coming wednesday, the Wii will be left alone for a week, lets just hope for something better next week, i want Snes and N64 games and thats all.


              Does this beat the infamous 'Xevious Week?'

              The Virtual Console is being seriously mismanaged. They have such a fantastic back catalogue. I mean all of SEGA, NINTENDO and HUDSON! And they release this?

              I hope the PAL VC gets a better deal on Friday.
              Last edited by SuperCoolAl; 26-03-2007, 14:20.


                Originally posted by Geoff D View Post
                From a personal point of view, I'm not bothered about the lack of VC titles this week as I still have some left to finish off (Castlevania, Contra) - as long as it doesn't become the norm.
                Same here. I've already downloaded lots of quality games and as they say 'You can have too much of a good thing.'


                  Originally posted by Manaman View Post
                  Was this game ever released in Europe? Because if it crops up on the EU VC, I'd consider downloading it because I've always been meaning to try this series out at least once.
                  I doubt we will see this game on the Euro VC.

                  I agree this has been a bad week but if Nintendo/Sega/Hudson blew all their decent games in the first six months of the Wii's life, you'd all be pretty annoyed. They have to pace things so there's going to be some duff weeks.


                    Originally posted by Duddyroar View Post
                    if Nintendo/Sega/Hudson blew all their decent games in the first six months of the Wii's life, you'd all be pretty annoyed.
                    I, for one, wouldn't be annoyed at having the choice to download what I want. Far from annoying actually. I'd rather they stuck up their entire catalog and let me buy at my leisure in the order I choose.


                      exactly ... i was hoping vc would be done like itunes ... with huge lists of titles i could download when i liked ...

                      instead we get this less than half arsed effort ... made worse by the weak selection of titles ... so bad that i no longer bother to check the releases each monday

                      i could quite easily have spent several hundred pounds on vc titles had they done it properly ... instead ive spent around 20 quid on contra, sonic and mario and rarely turn my wii on anymore

                      nintendo do so many things perfectly ... but they are totally clueless when it comes to these kind of things


                        Originally posted by Dogg Thang View Post
                        I, for one, wouldn't be annoyed at having the choice to download what I want. Far from annoying actually. I'd rather they stuck up their entire catalog and let me buy at my leisure in the order I choose.
                        I'd prefer that approach too.

                        Truth is though I wouldn't mind them releasing crappy VC games when there are decent, new Wii games available in the shops but there hasn't been anything worth buying for several months (indeed, since the launch titles in my opinion) and during this lean period the least they should be doing is uploading a load of decent VC games to keep punters busy while they wait for proper Wii software to materialise.

                        I love the Wii, it's a great machine, but the lack of software (retail and VC) ensures I currently have very little reason to switch it on.

