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Virtual Console Downloads Declining

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    Virtual Console Downloads Declining


    I notice that the prices of a used snes are on the up, maybe people are downloading a few titles and deciding to go back to the 'real' thing?


      Hardly surprising given that half the games on it are just filler (Urban Champ, anyone?). I'd also lay money on a large portion of the 'ever-expanding user base' being the sort of people who either don't know how to take their Wii online or just aren't interested in retro games.


        Originally posted by MattyD View Post
        Hardly surprising given that half the games on it are just filler (Urban Champ, anyone?). I'd also lay money on a large portion of the 'ever-expanding user base' being the sort of people who either don't know how to take their Wii online or just aren't interested in retro games.
        Pretty much. Retrotitles are something that appeal only to very tiny minority of gamers, and even those are interested about only few titles. Numberwise VC's downloads are higher than XBLA had during first five months, but then again, XBLA didn't grow so rapidly as VC or offer similar products. But I wouldn't say that there is so many filler titles... maybe 10-15.
        Last edited by elkatas; 30-04-2007, 13:46.


          Originally posted by SuperDanX View Post
          I notice that the prices of a used snes are on the up, maybe people are downloading a few titles and deciding to go back to the 'real' thing?
          Because they're so slow in releasing the games that people want to play people are just thinking sod it, I can have it right now easy enough.


            Originally posted by toythatkills View Post
            Because they're so slow in releasing the games that people want to play people are just thinking sod it, I can have it right now easy enough.
            So you're saying a mass release is the way forward? can?t say I?d complain, the last couple of months have been way too lean.


              Not so much a mass release, but if they released a major game (something people demand) every couple of weeks at least it'd be better. I'm impatient, and if it wasn't for eBay prices on the games I want being ridiculous I'd have bought the SNES versions long ago.

