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God of War vs Devil May Cry

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    God of War vs Devil May Cry

    Two games that have many similarities and many differences. But only one can be better than the other. God of War clearly has the edge in terms of fun gameplay, production values, soundtrack, originality, controls, as well as a far superior combat system.

    What do you think?

    I played both God Of War games and was blown away. They're amazing in both graphics and gameplay. Easily IMO the pinnacle of the series.

    Until yesterday I had never touched a DMC game and I bought DMC3 Special Edition. I'm still getting to grips with it and finding it alot more like Ninja Gaiden in terms of combat. It's very tough.

    I prefer GoW but maybe it's because it's' glossier and easier than DMC3


      Originally posted by OrlandoBloom64 View Post
      Two games that have many similarities and many differences. But only one can be better than the other.
      They're both fantastic games, that like you say have many similarities, yet many differences. It's like trying to say which is better, chocolate bourbons or custard creams.

      *Custard creams is the correct answer.


        Im the same really i enjoyed GoW more becuase its much easier to get into, DMC is just an unforgiving punishing game. I started to get ok at it but still found it a bloody struggle.


          I've really only played the third game in the DMC series but I did enjoy it a lot.

          Im plumping for GoW though mainly because of the Greek mythology aspect.

          Plus, it's Chocolate Bourbons FTW!


            devil may cry 3

            initially i thought GOW as it seemed easier to pick up..but in the end i got the hang of the combat fairly quickly and there were many sections i didnt like playing through

            devil may cry 3 there were no moments i didnt like and it took me ages to get the hangon of the combat and it was really rewarding


              I do like the first Devil May Cry, nearly got rse playing 3 so kinda gave up, but God of War Makes more sense story wise, which helps.


                This debate was rife a couple of years ago, when GoW and DMC3 were released. Neither actually 'won' but it was responsible for a fanboy war or 2.

                Ultimately, GoW is easier to get into and far more forgiving. DMC takes longer to master, but has (IMO) an ultimately depper combat system. It's horses for courses, but I prefer DMC. Swords+Demons FTW!


                  David Jaffe in one of his many rants said himself that he didn't think the fighting system in God of War was as good as Devil May Cry's so that should put an end to that little debate.


                    I really don't think this is a fair comparison at all. Despite both being fighters, DMC is much, much more hardcore, and requires a great deal of practice and skill. On the other hand, God of War can be fudged all the way through.

                    I didn't particularly love either of them as I found even God of War to be too difficult in places. But at least I could get off the first level (actually I completed it) - whereas I couldn't cope with DMC3.


                      I don't think it's a fair comparison either, because the original God of War was clearly, shall we say, a tribute to Devil May Cry with the complexity and difficulty replaced with booming music, jaw-dropping scenery and a big old can of whup-ass. It's the Bruckheimer edition of DMC, if you will. I always saw the reduction in difficulty and complexity as intentional rather than comparative weakness.


                        Originally posted by Nisa View Post
                        David Jaffe in one of his many rants said himself that he didn't think the fighting system in God of War was as good as Devil May Cry's so that should put an end to that little debate.
                        Key words being he and think.

                        I happen to disagree with him.

                        Having said that though, I'm not a huge fan of either game - GOW1 may not have as much depth in it's combat system but that's why I prefer it. Unless it has competitive online play (big cs player) or an mmorpg I don't like having to invest too much time to become good at the game and I found myself having to replay levels too many times in DMC3 for me to enjoy it.

                        GOW1 on the other hand I found to be much more accessible and yet still complex enough to keep me entertained. Unfortunately though I only borrowed it fromy my bro, and as I'm just an hour or two away from completing it (he buggered off back to uni) buying it seems like a waste of cash.

                        I guess which game you prefers depends on two things: how much you like the genre and how much of a "hardcore" gamer you are.


                          Originally posted by Boggy View Post
                          Until yesterday I had never touched a DMC game and I bought DMC3 Special Editio
                          I only started playing DMC 3 about a month ago, as I never had a PS2.

                          I would consider myself an above average gamer but DMC 3 is owning me. I wasn't expecting it to be that difficult. It doesn't help when you die, you go back to the beginning of the level and there isn't much heath to pick up.

                          I haven't played God of War yet but I hope it isn't anywhere as difficult as DMC.
                          Last edited by smokedog; 07-05-2007, 20:27.


                            I probably enjoyed GOW more than DMC 1 or 3 but I didn't take the time to really get into the combat system in DMC. I loved both mind.

                            Nevertheless, it wasn't the difficulty that put me of DMC 3, it was fine for me on normal (I played SE mind) and I managed to get through on hard but that was a challenge. GOW on the other hand was a bit on the easy side on normal, it was easy to get through with the same few moves, although I guess this approach isn't as fun.

                            DMC has more depth but it doesn't have to be approached in this way, I didn't by any means experiment with all the weapons or styles. There's more trial and error than with GOW, trying different moves on different bosses and seeing what works, but you don't have to master the system to get through the game or to enjoy it.

                            In any case, I still did prefer GoW simply because of the Greek mythology and lovely environments, and the fact that it wasn't quite as intense as DMC. DMC also has some of the cheesiest cutscenes - sometimes in a funny way, but sometimes quite annoying.
                            Last edited by Champloo; 07-05-2007, 20:07.


                              Originally posted by Malavon View Post
                              Key words being he and think.

                              I happen to disagree with him.
                              Just out of interest do you know who David Jaffe is?
                              Just seemed like an odd comment.

