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Shining Force Trilogy... make it possible

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    Shining Force Trilogy... make it possible

    I've started an on-line petition to ask SEGA to create what it could be a dream came true

    Wouldn't it be great?

    PS. I'm sorry for my poor English

    Better english than I can muster


      I love the shining force games, was gonna try make a remake of it one day, but the trilogy sounds good, could have bonus extras this time round


        They should just re-release all three parts of Shining Force III, and translate them all this time Sega please, thank you.


          Being a massive Shining Force fan, I'd love to see this happen. I would love to see a "Shining Series Collection" As you have to play Shining the Holy Ark to understand the background to some of the characters in SFIII

          Sadly there a big problem with the copyright of SF3 and a couple of the other games in the series as parts of it are owned by Camelot. Who are now working as a second party of Nintendo. Which is a big shame, but we can live in hope.

          I tend to ignore all the shining games after SFIII as they weren't made by Camelot and most of them are terrible games. Shining Soul any one? I think not.

          The cliff hanger ending to three is a real killer to as well. Will the story every be continued?


            Shining soul was alright-ish, but it became the same game over and over doin the same old crap

