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PS3 Vs XBox 360!

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    PS3 Vs XBox 360!

    Right, lets get this out of our system! I'm sick of reading threads that end up going way off topic and with people bitching about what the best console is, or whether a game is going to be multi format and if it is, what console is it going to be better on!?

    So what do we really think is best??

    IMO...i think in time the PS3 will really out shine the 360. I just have a feeling that games developers will snuggle down into the comfort zone of the playstation franchize...IF (and thats a big IF) the playstation 3 can shift plenty of units.

    (I've no doubt that this thread won't last long so lets do our best not to make this personal.)

    I think that all the cross-platform titles will end up looking much the same. Content costs money so why bother making one version significantly better than the other? Or adding significant new content? If there's new content to be added, they'll do it as DLC.

    I think it's going to come down to different frame rates and slightly different lighting. The marginally inferior PS3 versions may become marginally superior instead.

    It's all going to come down to the exclusives on each platform IMO. And obviously the price.


      We seem to be getting a thread like this every week, it's a debate that will never be answered to everyone's satisfaction and from experience turns nasty within a few posts.

      Buy the machine and games you personally enjoy, forget what others think.

      Closing now.

