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Awful service from Nintendo service centre

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    Awful service from Nintendo service centre

    I've posted this elsewhere, so apologies for cross-posting. I thought it might serve as a warning to any Wii owners in case of hardware failure and also I wanted to advise Wii owners to back up their data onto SD.

    I had to send my Wii to Nintendo last week for repair/replacement. When I spoke to a representative on the phone, I asked if it was possible to retrieve the data from the dead machine - ie, game saves and in particular the Miis that the kids and I had spent hours creating. I was assured they would do their best and to mention it in the covering letter.

    So I sent it off, *extremely* well-packaged. I also mentioned in the covering letter that Wii Sports was still inside the machine and could they please return that too.

    After the parcel apparently being delivered yesterday to the wrong place, it finally arrived today. I opened the flimsy box to find:

    One Wii, covered in a thin sheet of plasticky fabric
    One new PSU
    One Wii Sports disc

    No bubble wrap, nothing to pack out the contents and no sleeve for Wii Sports. Also, no correspondence of any kind.

    So the disc and console have been bouncing around inside this box with the PSU.

    First of all, the Wii Sports disc is scratched to f***. Secondly, the console has scratches on the top surface. Finally, on plugging it in, I discovered they haven't saved our data. It seems like a new machine. A scratched one. And they didn't even bother to include a letter.

    Obviously, I'm pissed off. Bearing in mind that Nintendo only cover return postage, I'm already a tenner down (not to mention our lost data) and now it looks like I'm going to be sending the console back *again*. The scratches on the unit are fairly small, but considering the unit I sent to them (well-packaged) was in mint condition, it's not good enough. And who the f*** would send a loose disc rattling around in a box?

    I'm dumbfounded and frustrated because I can't speak to them now until Monday.

    Not acceptable, complain and ask for free stuff.


      Yeah i had simliar issues with them. I had to send mine back and after two weeks send the repaired/replacement back paying twice. Now i know its only ?16 or so but the only other company i have had to send a console back to microsoft cover both pick up and return. And with the replacement console breaking in the exact same way two weeks later i was fuming when they said i had to once again cover the fee to send it to them. Christ i know how nintendo make so much money now cheap hardware selling by the millions and it seems they cut cost at every single chance.


        Their hardware used to be exceptionally sturdy. I've never had anything Nintendo die or break on me. They're probably not used to returns. Shame anyone had to sendtheir console back in the first place.


          Not quite as bad, but my mate returned his DS to them for repair a few weeks back. They sent him a different unit (which is fine), but the battery was faulty. Clearly not testing their refurbs properly.

          They were pretty damn speedy when I bought a UK Wii PSU from them though (to use on my US Wii), probably cause I gave them money!
          Last edited by sj33; 02-06-2007, 08:37.


            Ever since Nintendo shifted hardware production to China (Nintendo DS, Gamecubes and Wii) I've had problems with their machines busting up. Where are the good old days of 'Made in Japan', I still have a working N64 after 7 years of constant use as well as a SNES.


              Does anyone know how they are with DS replacements? I bought a new light at the beginning of the year which had a dead pixel, and GAME never had any in stock to replace it with whenever I called up / went down there, and they're now just telling me to call Nintendo. Do they send you a new system, or is it a refurb like Microsoft do? (it's taken this long to get it replaced, as I hardly use the thing any more now - been nothing worth getting for ages)


                they are a joke,

                back in january i sent my broken wii to be replaced, special next day delivery, sum1 signed for it and then they lost it!, i was without a wii for nearly 2 months. and i spent about £100 on phone calls trying to sort it out, but every time they refused to beleive me, i gave them the tracking details each time as proof, i only finnaly got a new wii when i threatend them with royal mail and legal action,

                they really need to improve on this service


                  Another one here on the "pissed off" boat. My first DSlite suffered from a cracked hinge caused over time. Sent the original back to the service centre for what I thought was a new one complete with covering letter, explaining that I wanted the replacement checked for dead pixels and any possible signs of a new hinge crack. They at least managed the first, unless it was down to sheer luck that I didn't have a pixel problem, however 2 weeks in and my replacement suffered the hinge crack in near enough the same place as the last.

                  Not ****ing good enough Nintendo.


                    Why don't people take stuff back to the shops? They are the ones legally responsible as they sold the product to you.


                      Because some of these faults occur over time - the 12 month warantee is offered by Nintendo and not the store.

                      Outside of a returns period, most stores will tell you to go take a walk.


                        Most shops do not understand consumer law then. They sell the goods, they are legally responsible for them. Despite what 'policies' they have. Not heard of many places not honouring manufacturers warranties. If I find a retailer that is awkward, then I'll avoid them.

                        Probably they claim it is easier for you to deal with MS/Sony/Nintendo direct mainly cos repairs/refunds cost them money (time rather than actual cash) and they can't be bothered. If in doubt speak to trading standards.


                          Originally posted by Ginger Tosser View Post
                          Why don't people take stuff back to the shops? They are the ones legally responsible as they sold the product to you.
                          And have Argos carry out the exact same process?

                          1) It would take longer than dealing with Nintendo directly
                          2) Leave it in the hands of Argos to attempt to convince Nintendo to retrieve data from the lost machine? Hmmm no thanks.


                            Originally posted by Jay View Post
                            2) Leave it in the hands of Argos to attempt to convince Nintendo to retrieve data from the lost machine? Hmmm no thanks.
                            Well this is the problem right here. Wii data should be backupable onto a memory card. Same with every console. Especially now every single company seems to be making them rubbish.


                              did you have any vc titles jay? those are registered uniquely to the console.

