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Gunners Heaven

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    Gunners Heaven

    I got this off the Japanese store having been told about it ages ago by ex-forumite SIDEZ many moons ago.
    It was called rapid reload in PAL land.

    Anyway, kind of like a gunstar heroes ripoff but 1P only, it is very enjyable if you like the run n' gun stuff. Not that polished and does show its age - prolly doesn't look as good as gunstar which i consider the finest in its field.
    Your chara has four gun types switchable at will and the two charas (you can't switch between them) have different guns too. Usual selection - homing, explosive, spread, bouncing, flame etc. Also, you have a grappling hook which is fun

    The slight difference is the power up system - each power up gives a second or so of boost so you try and get loads quickly in prep for the bosses to use against them.

    It isn't really a classic as such but it does what it does very well and would have been much more fondly remembered on another platform I think - it was basically a 16bit game on a new hardware platform, iirc SCEA didn't even allow its release.

    Hope that is useful info, I'm enjoying it but am finding it tricky with the graphics in all honesty as it is pretty garish. Anyone else got this forgotten gem?

    I've got it. I had the PAL version many moons ago. I forgot how hard it is. Either that, or I'm crap. It's a fun blaster, but it's not a patch on Gunstar. It's completely unforgivable that it's not 2 player co-op as well.


      Agreed on all points.
      To be fair, not being a patch on gunstar does not a bad game make!
      It is hard actually AND I am clearly a lot worse at this kind of stuff than in my younger days but it is arcadey in that i do get a bit further each time.

