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Calling parents, uncles, aunts, older siblings - game recommendation needed.

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    Calling parents, uncles, aunts, older siblings - game recommendation needed.

    Every couple of weeks my 5 year old nephew comes to stay & we have a bit of gaming time - so far we've made our way through Lego Star Wars Original Trilogy (great fun) & TMNT (absolute pap).

    I need a recommendation for another action-type game, preferably that we could play together 2-player (but that's not a dealbreaker) - nothing too childish, but nothing too adult or difficult either - something closer to Lego Star Wars type quality, as opposed to TMNT type drivel. And if could be on the XBox 360, that'd be super sweet too.

    Any recommendations much appreciated

    One of the [360] X-Men games or Marvel Ultimate Heroes ? both can be played together I believe and aren't too difficult.

    5 year old would probably like Bionicle Heroes also.


      Mario kart on any platform, Bomberman, and Pokemon, Zelda, Incredibles, Shrek these keep my nephew & niece happy, and Mario kart & Chromehounds for my Baby girl

      Note with Pokemon, it is actually a good game once you understand the hidden depth


        Do you own any Nintendo's? You could go for Mario Party, or no wait... there is Mario Party 2! Or even 3! 4 is a very good game, 5 is ok... and then there's even 6! 7 lost it a bit and I've only played a bit of 8 so don't ask me about that one.

        There's 8 games for you to consider mate!


          Umm, the first Lego Star Wars game?


            Mario Kart (DS version especially) is something my son and I enjoy hugely of a Sunday morning. We've been playing Wii Zelda for a while now too. I have the nunchuck, he has the Wiimote. It's a lot of fun. It's gotta be Nintendo as far as kids go IMO.
            Last edited by J0e Musashi; 18-06-2007, 09:24.
            Kept you waiting, huh?


              Not really action games as such.....

              My lad (also 5) loves pretty much any game with cars in it. Burnout Revenge is a particular gore but plenty of crashing etc. which seems to appeal to boys of that age!

              The 360 isn't great for kids games Only other one I can think of is Cars. Pretty derivative stuff but your nephew might enjoy it (it's got Lightning McQueen in it after all!!

              Possibly Assault Heroes on Live Arcade?
              Last edited by tom-nook; 18-06-2007, 10:02.


                Crash Nitro Kart is good fun. BC on 360, also on Gamecube and PS2.


                  There is Viva Pinata not a two player action game but you could both play together to create the perfect garden and its still a really fun game.


                    Kameo can be played split screen co-op, but you need to unlock the levels in single player first. Good fun though and quite simple for a five year old to learn.

                    Burnout Revenge is lots of fun two player.

                    Another vote for Viva Pinata which can be played by two players at the same time. Loads of injokes and innuendo for you and loads of funny animals for the little 'un.

                    And Marvel Ultimate Heroes. Great game and can be switched to easy mode which would be fine for kids.

                    Also there's Live Arcade. Worms and Assault Heroes are good fun.


                      Viva Pinata is great for 2 - You can have a controller each and he does the basics whilst you do the trickier stuff.

                      I let my lad play Cars and stuff but he sees through them quickly - He's had most enjoyment from THPS8, Crackdown (shouldn't I know !) and the Superman demo (loved the flying and kicking robots).

                      That new spiderman game might be a good one and the pirates of the carribean demo is on marketplace !!!
                      Last edited by Yoshimax; 18-06-2007, 11:19.


                        Resident Evil or Manhunter?!


                          Manhunt not Manhunter ffs Nige.


                            Thanks chaps, some good suggestions there - he does like Excite Truck on the Wii, but seems to have more of a fascination with the 360 than any other console (he is clearly teh M$ fAn30i!!1111)

                            Really liking the Viva Pinata & Marvel Ultimate ideas - might try him on Cars as well. And Silent Hill.


                              if they ever get round to sorting out back compatibility for kung fu chaos my son used to love that when he was 7 or so.

